What is user growth?How to do user growth?Mobike user growth model analysis

Now a business must meet one of these 2 conditions:

  • 1) Can make money in each user to develop high value (high LTV, such as cash loans, large games)
  • 2) The cost of user acquisition cost is almost 0 (Low CAC)

This article will learn from the current industry perspective, learning from Uber's growth team Ed Baker and Andrew Chen and Mobike's business experience.

Under the premise of avoiding disclosure of any commercial secrets, analyze and summarize the user growth model of Mobike.

Mobike and OFO acquisition channels:

  • The QR code of the body at the subway entrance, bus station, and roadside.

What is user growth?How to do user growth?Mobike user growth model analysis

What is user growth (Growth)?

User growth (Growth) refers to the programmer's thinking, doing Internet product marketing (Marketing).

Core competitiveness in the era of mobile Internet:

  1. Flow and capital are key.
  2. Technology and products are difficult to form barriers (such asAI, VR/AR, blockchain).

For example, a friend uses Xu Xiaoping's angel investment as a skill payment platform (to benchmark Thumbtack):

  • While well done, operations are performing well.
  • However, it cost nearly 100 yuan to acquire active users, so it closed last year.

Strategy-based games, some require 120 download activations (CPA), this is when people brush today's headlines:

  • The ads I see are almost all "gold-plated" mobile games (Chu Liuxiang, Wanwan Lanyue), English training and used cars.
  • Without exception, it meets the conditions I said, users can make a lot of money when they come, so you can buy ads at a high price.

Examples of companies in the outbreak period (Mobike)

Mobike scans the QR code of the bicycle body at the subway entrance:

  • With a deposit of 299 yuan and multiple deposits for one car, Mobike can do it - cost per car < deposit * number of people to deposit per car.

New User Registration Process

useOnline ToolsView the churn funnel for each page.

After seeing it clearly, I decided to cut off the guide page, and divide the previous four steps of mobile phone verification, deposit, ID card, and invitation into three steps.

  • The design of the deposit before the ID card verification is very good: for the user, what is privacy after paying a deposit of several hundred yuan?So the conversion rate is very high.
  • Outdoor traffic is limited, download app conversion is low, and conversion to WeChat applet soars.

Increase retention and activity

Found a good customer acquisition model (Acquisition), using various methods to improve activation (Activation).

Use product matrix for Retention, Engagement and Referral.

User Growth Model Water Pipe Sheet 2

Mature company system

  • After all growth methods are abused, the effect is getting worse and worse;
  • The public user growth method is almost outdated and not easy to use.

EffectivePublic account promotionThe methods are all researched or kept privately by oneself:

  • Teams responsible for user growth cannot rely on just one or twoWeb Promotiontechnology.
  • Instead, it must have a methodology that can systematically discover, validate and promote new technologies.

Mobike users recommend play

What is user growth?How to do user growth?The first picture of Mobike's user growth model analysis

growth part

  • 1. Acquisition
  • 2. Activation
  • 3. Engagement
  • 4. Retention
  • 5. Referral

Customer Acquisition

  • 1. Reward for recommendation
  • 2. Registration is rewarded
  • 3. Reduce resistance
  • 4. New user teaching and guidance


  • 1. Double reward push
  • 2. Activities
  • 3. Reactivation
  • 4. Product experience
  • 5. Scoring system
  • 6. Form a habit in the early stage
  • 7. Loyalty Program

Active Engagement

  • 1. Increase your income
  • 2. Ranking
  • 3. Goal setting

How to do it from 0 to 1? (startup)

  • No growth is the curse of startups;
  • If it does not grow, the user base will shrink, and it will gradually become more and more bleak.

The twenty-eight rule

In each period and product, XNUMX% of the traffic comes from the same channel.

  • XNUMX% of website traffic comes fromSEO, SEO is to get the search engine platform recommendation.

Twenty-eight Laws Chapter 4

The more you use the worse the rule

  • find efficientInternet marketingChannels, do not sit back and relax;
  • The good days are only 3 months to 3 years, and will soon expire;
  • New methods are emerging one after another, and the good ones are definitely not used badly.

Startups don’t have money, and each step has to be split in half:

  • 1) Cast a wide net, try all customer acquisition methods at the lowest cost (no more than tens of thousands of dollars) as much as possible, and get the most effective golden water pipe at present.
  • 2) Open the gold water pipes to the maximum, and also develop the surrounding silver water pipes.
  • 3) Repeat the above 2 steps before the golden water pipe is quickly used up.

Final Thoughts

The above isChen WeiliangSummarize the pattern of how user growth is done.

All in all, for startups, try to be as frugal as possible to find the 3 big steps for your product or project.

Then, gradually transition to a mature company system.

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