What is the area code for Japan?What is the international area code before calling a Japanese mobile number?

Some do domestic and foreign tradeInternet marketingfriends, because cross-borderE-commercebusiness needs, would like to call inJapanregional customerscellphone number.

So, here is a Japanese internationalPhone area codeRecords, summarizing Japan International Area CodesInstructions.

What is the international dialing code for Japan?

country nameEnglish nameInternational area code

What is the area code for Japan?What is the international area code before calling a Japanese mobile number?

1) Find an international cell phonePhone Numberbeginning?Please refer to this article▼

2)How to buy a Chinese phone number in Japan?How to buy a Chinese mobile phone number abroad?

Things to note使用cellphone numberRegister mobile APP, computersoftwareor website accounts, never use publicly shared onlinecodeThe platform receives SMSVerification codeto avoid account theft.

It is better to use a private virtualChinese mobile number,virtualHong Kong mobile number, which can effectively protect privacy and avoid harassment.

Please click the link below to view registrationmethod ▼

In JapanHow to apply for a Hong Kong virtual mobile number to receive a verification code?For details, please click the following link to view ▼

If applyingUK mobile numberIt is free of real-name system.How to apply for a UK virtual mobile phone number without real name?Please browse the following tutorial ▼

Instructions for the use of Japan's international dialing codes

How many digits are prefixed at the beginning of Japanese mobile phone numbers?

  • 日本国际长途电话区号是0081,通常我们写成+0081、0081-、(0081)、(0081),当然日本国际区号前面的0也可以忽略。
  • 区号也写成81、+81、81-、(81)、(81),按照国际标准,日本电话号码通常写成“0081-区号-本地号码”或“ 0081-手机号码”。
  • For example: Japanese user's mobile phone number in Japan: 0081-14865342424.

Instructions for using area codes in Japan

  • When calling your country's landline or mobile phone within Japan, you can directly enter the phone number and mobile phone number without adding Japan's international area code.
  • For example, dialing a mobile number within Japan in Japan or Japan14869876545, you only need to directly input14869876545;

International call to Japan area code

  • To dial a Japanese landline or mobile phone from abroad (outside Japan), the dialing method is "0081-xxxxxxxxx", (+ and - are not required when dialing, just dial all numbers consecutively).
  • For example, if you call a Japanese mobile number from China14866432234, you need to enter008114866432234to call;

When dialing a Japanese mobile number from abroad, should I enter "0081" or "+81" in front of it?

  • In fact, "00" and "+" mean the same thing.
  • Because of the old landline or mobile, "+" cannot be entered, so "00" must be entered.
  • If you enter "00" in front of your Japanese mobile number, you don't need to enter "+" again.

What is the caller ID's area code for Japan?

  • Calling from Japan to a domestic landline or mobile phone number in China, the general caller ID is "0081-A area code-A local number", there may be no "-" symbol in the middle, but all numbers, or there may be no 0 in front, only 1 0 , or more than 2 zeros, for example: 0XXXXXXXX, 0081XXXXXXXXX, 81XXXXXXXXX, 081XXXXXXXXX;
  • If the caller ID starts with 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818, 819, it generally means that the international area code is 81, and the next digit is the first digit of the Japanese domestic number;
  • If you make a call to China from Japan via Internet phone, IP phone, etc., the caller ID may not be able to see the source, and you cannot call back directly.

Other Ways to Say Japanese Area Codes

  • Japan area code, Japan telephone area code, Japan international area code, Japan long-distance telephone area code, Japan national area code, Japan area code query.

Japan city long distance telephone area code

Japanese city names in foreign languagesJapanese city names in ChineseJapan city telephone area codeInstructions for using the telephone area codes of Japanese cities
Fuchu (Tokyo)Fuchu423PlusJapan的国际区号81,日本府中的区号为0081423或者写为0081-423、+81-423
Kawasaki (Kanagawa)(I.e.44PlusJapan的国际区号81,日本川崎的区号为008144或者写为0081-44、+81-44
Tachikawa (Tokyo)Tachikawa425PlusJapan的国际区号81,日本立川的区号为0081425或者写为0081-425、+81-425
Yokosuka (Kanagawa)Yokosuka468PlusJapan的国际区号81,日本横须贺的区号为0081468或者写为0081-468、+81-468

Japanese mobile phone number telecom operator prefix

Japanese mobile phone number telecommunications operatorWireless network standardmobile phone number prefix
Cell PhonesCDMA090 + 8 digit number
Cell PhonesCDMA080 + 8 digit number
PHS phonesPHS070 + 8 digit number

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