What does FQDN in the network mean?Explain the Chinese full name of the domain name FQDN

What does FQDN mean?This article will explain what is the Chinese full name of the domain name FQDN?And the role of FQDN.

What does FQDN in the network mean?Explain the Chinese full name of the domain name FQDN

What does FQDN mean?

FQDN (fully qualified domain name) fully qualified domain name, which is the full domain name of a specific computer or host on the Internet.

FQDN consists of two parts:hostname and domain name.

  • For example, suppose the FQDN of a mail server might be mail.chenweiliang.com .
  • hostnamemail, the host is at the domain namechenweiliang.com.
  • DNS (Domain Name System), responsible for converting FQDN to IP address, is the addressing method of most applications on the Internet.
  • FQDN: (Fully Qualified Domain Name) Fully Qualified Domain Name: A name that includes both the host name and the domain name. (via the symbol ".")

Why configure FQDN?

  • A fully qualified domain name can logically and accurately represent where a host is located.
  • It can also be said that the fully qualified domain name is the complete representation of the host name.
  • From the information contained in the fully qualified domain name, you can see the location of the host in the domain name tree.

DNS resolution process:First look up the HOSTS table of the machine, and some use the definitions in the HOSTS table directly, it does not look up the DNS server set in the network connection.

What is the role of FQDN?

  • Example This form is often referred to as an IP address.
  • it's like the internetPhone Number, you can connect to the website by IP.
  • However, this form of IP is not easy to remember, so it is best to remember it by name, so there will be a URL.

Fully Qualified Domain Name FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) Modern people are inseparable from the Internet whether they use computers, mobile phones or tablets, etc.

I believe that most people use "URL" to connect to the Internet.

Such as:www.chenweiliang.com,www.etufo.org Wait...the full name of these URLs is the "Fully Domain Name" (FQDN).

The total length of the FQDN cannot exceed 255 letters, with a maximum of 63 letters in between.

Where should the URL be registered?

Who should register the website with?

answer:Name Server (server that manages URLs)

in fact www.chenweiliang.com There will also be a root domain name of .root behind, but it is currently omitted in the operation.

Building websiteYou need to register a domain name. Namasilo itself provides a Name Server domain name server, but we can also useNameSiloDomain name resolution to DNSPod.

Click the link below to learn how to register a domain name in Namasilo ▼

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