How to do SEO optimization for category pages? SEO category page layout long tail keywords

stand-alone stationE-commerceSellers must know that pagination isSEOone of the optimization functions.

How to do SEO optimization for category pages?

  • You can use category pages for SEO and place long-tail keywords in the title and description.
  • It can help buyers directly find the products they need, and it can also help sellers filter buyers' needs and better develop buyers' other needs for products.

How to do SEO optimization for category pages? SEO category page layout long tail keywords

Sellers can bind buyer intent to long-tail keywords, improve search opportunities for buyers to open product pages, use buyers' search intent to push products, and add additionalWeb Promotionconversion rate of traffic.

SEO category page layout long tail keywords

When buyers use long-tail keywords to search for the products they want, they are highly directional and can bring in a lot of passenger flow.

Buyers will develop other needs for products when shopping. Using this writing can achieve a certaindrainageeffect.

In recent years, many sellers have used long-tail keywords to attract buyers to browse articles to convert buyers. However, this method makes the product page have a low page weight in buyers' search, and sellers need to spend a lot of time and effort to layout to achieve expected effect.

Big sellers with mature brand operations are attractingdrainageThere is no advantage in terms of volume and pagination.

Small and medium-sized sellers can use pagination to improve their competitiveness.

Why use long tail keywords?

What should sellers know before using long tail keywords?

Sellers need to understand the main consumer groups of the product and the consumer demand of the product in order to customize long-tail keywords (long-tail keywords: products with related combined keywords, usually composed of 2 to 3 words) according to the needs of the product.

Keywords set by sellers in pagination are usually not crawled by search engines, so these keywords have no SEO value (promotion anddrainagevalue)

There may be a disconnect and mismatch between the keyword content set by sellers on product detail pages and the product content buyers get in their searches.

For many sellers, with large traffic and wider keyword settings, it is difficult to ensure that sellers get more traffic in the competition of the same category, and it is also difficult to penetrate into the high-intent buyer group, because the high-intent buyer group usually There are very specific purchase requirements.

Therefore, sellers need to transfer long-tail keywordsPositioning, to meet the needs of buyers with high purchase intentions.

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