The 5-dimensional method of making money teaches you how to play the Internet to make money and make money all over the world! 🔥💼🌐

Want to master the tricks of making money online?Demystify the five-dimensional money-making method, so that you can easily earn wealth in the Internet age!Act now! 💪💰🚀

Let's discuss the "5-dimensional money-making rule" I summarized, combined with the situation of me and the people around me, I believe it is very applicable to the current era.

The degree of education is not important, what is more important is the ability to learn!When you reach the age of 30, you will realize that the difference between people is those eight hours outside of work.Start learning continuously from a young age, and consciously cultivate the ability of basic logic and deep thinking.

Just like a classic line in the movie "The Godfather" said: "People who can see the essence of things in an instant and those who spend half their lives unable to see the essence of things clearly have different fates."

Make more friends, make fewer enemies, more friends means more paths, less enemies means fewer obstacles.

30 years old is an age of gradual awakening. Many people are still complaining and muttering at the age of 30. They don't like this or that, and become isolated and helpless.All roads are blocked by them.

Never believe the traffic propaganda about opposing topics on the Internet, in realityLifeYou must maintain a good relationship with your boss, customers and colleagues. To achieve them is to achieve yourself. In fact, they are the ones who can really help you.

How to discover the money-making opportunities of the times?

Pay attention to new things and seize the opportunities of the times, such as:

  • Started to engage in foreign trade in 2007;
  • entered in 2009TaobaoMall (Tmall);
  • In 2016, they frantically bought properties before house prices soared;
  • Started working in self-media in 2017;
  • In 2020, it will start to get involved in the short video field.

Google predicts that 80% of the content of the Internet in the future will be video.However, Apple's Vision Pro may be a new beginning (not necessarily Apple as a company), and the future creative direction may shift from portrait to landscape.This will likely spark a new "city-building movement" in which money can be made as long as you keep "adding bricks and mortar".It is a pity that humans will enter a more immersive virtual world after this.

Let me tell you a simple way of judging, the more people scold something, the more chance it has.The more you scold, the more popular you are.

EarlyE-commercePlatform Taobao, later Pinduoduo,VibratoThis is the case for Kuaishou, and the vigorous development of the platform in the early stage has brought more opportunities.

After the platform matures and the rules are perfected, it will be difficult for ordinary people to enter.For example, today's short videos are quite complicated.

The 5-dimensional method of making money teaches you how to play the Internet to make money and make money all over the world! 🔥💼🌐

The 5-dimensional method of making money teaches you how to play the Internet to make money

Finally, I will give you the best formula for ordinary people to cross classes, the 5-dimensional growth method of wealth:

This industry + Internet + fixed asset investment + a small amount of venture capital + high-quality social circle.

The first dimension is absolutely not to abandon the industry

  • Unless you are a very small number of geniuses, ordinary people must choose an industry that combines with the Internet to improve their skills and accumulate experience.

The second dimension is the bonus period of the industry combined with the Internet platform

  • The second dimension is to combine the industry with the bonus period of the Internet platform. As long as the method is appropriate, your wealth is very likely to usher in explosive growth.

The third dimension is real estate and passive income

  • The third dimension to enter wealth is real estate and passive income.
  • In the next ten years, real estate in the core areas of core cities will still be the best choice for wealth preservation.
  • Referring to developed countries, it is already very good to rely on rental income alone.
  • Investing in non-core locations in non-core cities is the best way to lose wealth.
  • Rents are also hard to recover due to the shrinking population.

The fourth dimension is to allocate a small amount of high-risk investment

  • A friend invested all his assets in the stock market and made a profit of 8000 million at the peak. In 2015, we were working hard on e-commerce and buying real estate. He looked down on the money we made, and now his assets are only a fraction of ours. .
  • Unless you are a master, don't invest more than 20% of your assets in the stock market, because don't do porcelain work without diamonds!

The fifth dimension is a high-quality social circle

  • After the age of 40, a high-quality social circle will become the key to your wealth growth.
  • After the age of 40, it is impossible to handle everything by yourself, and rely more on the integration of resources.
  • The premise is that you have certain resources, which can be your career, or your channels and contacts.
  • Only those of a certain age and experience can understand the significance of using these high-quality social circles to make money.

Hope this information helps you.

Compared with finding profitable projects, content marketing capabilities are more important, and they are the top priority.

Many people do not have this understanding, and have been looking for projects blindly, because the project itself cannot directly make money, the essence of making money is value exchange, and the best way to make money is to realize value exchange through content.

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