Install Python on Ubuntu, there are 4 methods, one of which is suitable for you! Even novices can do it easily!

Install Python on Ubuntu, no more worries! There is always one of the 4 methods that suits you! ✌✌✌

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Install Python on Ubuntu, there are 4 methods, one of which is suitable for you! Even novices can do it easily!

Generally speaking, Ubuntu system comes with Python pre-installed, but if unfortunately your Linux Don't worry if Python is not provided with your distribution, installing Python in Ubuntu only takes a few simple steps.

Python is an essential tool for developers to build a variety ofsoftwareand website.

Furthermore, many Ubuntu software depend on Python, so in order to run the operating system smoothly, you must install it.

So, let’s see how to install Python in Ubuntu.

Install Python on Ubuntu

In this guide, we'll cover three ways to get Python on Ubuntu. But before that, let’s check whether your system has Python installed and update it accordingly.

note:We tested the commands and methods listed below on the latest versions, namely Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Ubuntu 20.04.

Check if Ubuntu has Python installed

Before installing Python on Ubuntu, you should check whether Python is already installed on your system. This way you can update an existing Python installation without having to install it from scratch. This also comes in handy if you want to downgrade to a different Python version. Here are the specific steps.

1. First, use the keyboard shortcut "Alt + Ctrl + T" to open the terminal and run the following command. If the command outputs a version number, it means that Python is already installed in Ubuntu. To exit the Python environment, press "Ctrl + D". If you receive an error message like "Command not found", you don't have Python installed yet. So, move on to the next installation method.


Check if Python is already installed on the system Picture 2

2. You can also run the following command to check the Python version on Ubuntu.

python3 --version

Python version 3

3. If you have an older version of Python installed, run the following command to upgrade Python to the latest version on your Linux distribution.

sudo apt --only-upgrade install python3

Upgrading Python to the latest version on your Linux distribution Part 4

Install Python in Ubuntu from the official software repository

Python is available in the Ubuntu official software repository, so you only need to execute a simple command to seamlessly install Python on your system. Here's how to install it.

1. Open a terminal in Ubuntu and run the following command to update all software packages and software sources.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Update all software packages and software sources Chapter 5

2. Next, run the following command to install Python in Ubuntu. This will automatically install Python on your machine.

sudo apt install python3

Installing Python in Ubuntu from Deadsnakes PPA Picture 6

Install Python in Ubuntu from Deadsnakes PPA

In addition to the official repository, you can also pull newer versions of Python from the Deadsnakes PPA. If the official Ubuntu repository (APT) cannot install Python on your system, this method will definitely work. Below are the installation steps.

1. Use the "Alt + Ctrl + T" shortcut key to start the terminal and run the following command. This is needed to manage your distribution and software sources from independent vendors.

sudo apt install software-properties-common

Install Python on Ubuntu, there are 4 methods, one of which is suitable for you! Even novices can do it easily! Picture No. 7

2. Next, run the following command to add the Deadsnakes PPA to Ubuntu's software repositories. When prompted, press Enter to continue.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

Add Deadsnakes PPA to Ubuntu software repositories Picture 8

3. Now, update the package list and run the next command to install Python.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3

Installing Python Chapter 9

4. You can also choose to install a specific version (old or new) of Python from the Deadsnakes PPA. It also provides nightly builds (experimental) of Python, so you can install those too. Run the command as follows:

sudo apt install python3.12


sudo apt install python3.11

Install specific versions (old and new) of Python from Deadsnakes PPA Picture 10

Building Python in Ubuntu from source

If you want to go a step further and compile Python directly from source in Ubuntu, you can do that too. But keep in mind that this process will be a little longer, compiling Python may take more than 15 minutes, depending on your hardware specifications. Here are the steps you need to follow.

1. First, open a terminal and run the following command to update the software package.

sudo apt update

Update package picture 11

2. Then, run the next command to install the required dependencies to build Python in Ubuntu.

sudo apt install build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev wget

Install required dependencies Picture 12

3. Then, create a “python” folder and move to it. If you get a "Permission denied" error, use sudo Run this command.

sudo mkdir /python && cd /python

Create a "python" folder and move to that folder picture 13

4. Then, use wget Download the latest version of Python from the official website. Here, I downloaded Python 3.12.0a1.

sudo wget

Download the latest version of Python Picture 14

5. Now, use tar command to decompress the downloaded file and move it to the decompressed folder.

sudo tar -xvf Python-3.12.0a1.tgz
cd Python-3.12.0a1

Use the tar command to decompress the downloaded file. Picture 15

Use the tar command to decompress the downloaded file. Picture 16

6. Then, run the following command to turn on optimization before compiling Python in Ubuntu. This will shorten Python compilation time.

./configure --enable-optimizations

Shorten Python’s compilation time, Picture 17

7. Finally, execute the following command to build Python in Ubuntu. The entire process takes 10 to 15 minutes.

sudo make install

Building Python in Ubuntu Picture 18

8. Once completed, run python3 --

version command to check if Python is installed successfully.

Once completed, run the python3 --version command to check whether Python was successfully installed.

The above are four ways to install Python in Ubuntu. Choose the method that suits your needs, and after installing Python, you can happily write Python code in Ubuntu.

Hope Chen Weiliang Blog ( ) shared "Installing Python on Ubuntu, there are 4 methods, one of which is suitable for you!" Even novices can do it easily! 》, helpful to you.

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