What is the technical principle of Alipay's face-swiping payment?Introduction of Alipay's face brushing function

In 2019, face-swiping payment paid off. Two Internet giants, Ali and Tencent, released Dragonfly and Frog, setting off a wave of face-swiping payments!

So far, after going through the era of bank cards and mobile payments, the payment industry has entered the era of biological payments.

What is the technical principle of Alipay's face-swiping payment?Introduction of Alipay's face brushing function

1. The principle of face payment technology

Face recognition technology has a long history of development.It appeared in 1964 and went through four stages:

  1. machine identification;
  2. semi-automatic;
  3. Contactless;
  4. Intelligent Recognition.

Before the emergence of intelligent recognition, the recognition rate of face recognition technology was less than 74%, and it has not been widely used.

  • At present, the face recognition in the intelligent recognition stage mainly includes face recognition, face feature matching and face extraction.
  • Face detection is mainly to determine the detected person, and then determine the size and position of the face;
  • Facial feature extraction refers to accuratePositioningKey areas of the face to capture feature points;
  • Face matching is to determine whether the face exists in the database, and then find the face with the highest matching degree in the database.
  • Relying on facial recognition technology to provide technical support, face-swiping payment can be realized.

Face recognition technology is a recognition based on physiological features in the field of biometrics.It is a technology that extracts facial features by a computer and performs authentication based on those features.

2. The process of using face-scanning payment

The current Ali and Tencent face brushing devices are similar, and the consumer usage process is the same.

  1. Generally, consumers only need to open their ownAlipayOr the WeChat face function, you can consume directly on the device.
  2. Face towards the camera, the system will automatically recognize and confirm mycellphone numberAnd complete the payment, it's that simple.

Some people worry, what if the device is identified incorrectly?

  • Will you debit money from someone else's account?
  • Don't worry about Alibaba and Tencent-level enterprises, their technical capabilities are fully guaranteed.
  • Even if it's wrong (which won't happen in a hundred years), Alibaba Tencent will still pay consumers!

3. How to do face-scanning payment items?

To make a face payment, you must first getWeChat paymentOr the official service provider of Alipay.

However, official service providers have technical thresholds.

For example, WeChat payment service providers are third-party developers with certain technical capabilities, reviewed and signed by WeChat.

Service providers can complete application payments, technical access, event marketing and other ecological services for extended special merchants.

If you do it yourself, there are two ways:

  1. First of all, I am a service provider and receive official subsidies directly.
  2. Second, act as the agent of the service provider and accept subsidies from the service provider.

First, let's talk about the first method:

  • If you are a service provider yourself, you need a technical team to develop a service provider platform for connecting to WeChat or Alipay systems.

Many people in the current market do not have such a technical team, so what should we do?

  • Don't worry, there are specialist technology companies on the market that develop such systems.
  • We can buy them outright and use them ourselves, maybe the price will be high, but it will save time and effort, and you will be able to use them right away, which will give you a head start.

Hope Chen Weiliang Blog ( https://www.chenweiliang.com/ ) shared "What is the technical principle of Alipay's face-swiping payment?Alipay's Face Brushing Function Introduction" is helpful for you.

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