Free Temporary China Mobile Number: China Online Shortcut to Receive Verification Codes and Send SMS

Now more and more users register to apply for use eSender :

  • I believe everyone knows eSender Chinese mobile number, you can try it for 7 days for free.
  • At the same time, it is also possible to temporarilyunlimitedReceive SMSVerification code.
  • But some want to try Temporary China for free for 7 dayscellphone numberof new users, may not know eSender There is a "shortcut" - you can temporarily send SMS verification codes.

Free Temporary China Mobile Number: China Online Shortcut to Receive Verification Codes and Send SMS

For certain websites or services in mainland China, such as:Register at 12306 to book high-speed rail tickets, China Construction Bank's online banking services, unlock QQ or WeChat accounts, etc...

  • All require a temporary SMS verification code sent for a fee to verify your Chinese mobile number.
  • Temporary sending of SMS will be deducted from the account ($1/pc for local; $3/pc for other countries or regions);
  • If there is not enough balance in the account, you need to "recharge" first before sending the SMS verification code temporarily.

At first, a friend temporarily bought a Chinese phone card in mainland China, which was specially used to temporarily receive a Chinese mobile phone SMS verification code:

  • He tried sending with a Chinese calling card, but couldn't send 999 to 12306 because the card was abroad...
  • Tried +8612306, 008612306 to no avail...

Solutions for sending & receiving Chinese temporary SMS verification codes overseas:

  • Application" eSender "China Temporaryvirtual phone numbercode, which is used to temporarily send and receive SMS verification codes.

How to use a temporary mobile phone number in China for free?

you just need to apply eSender , you can temporarily try it for 7 days for free.

Please click the link below to view the application process of the Chinese temporary mobile phone number teaching free trial for 7 days▼

Temporary mobile phone number for texting

If you register the "China Railway Customer Service Center" website,How to send SMS verification code with temporary Chinese mobile phone number?

How to send SMS verification code from temporary mobile phone number in China, please click the link below to view▼

If used eSender AppTo temporarily send SMS verification code, please click the link below to view▼

Things to note

  • althoughtemporaryChinese mobile number to receive verification code onlineIs free,butTemporary short-cut to send Chinese mobile phone text messages is chargedof.

eSender Temporary mobile numbers and other onlinecodePlatform difference

使用 eSender Benefits of China Temporary Mobile NumberDisadvantages of using other online coding platforms
  • The mobile phone SMS verification code will never be disclosed;
  • very safe and reliable;
  • Make sure it can be used to register an account.
  • SMS verification code is public;
  • The account password is easy to be tampered with by others, which is very dangerous;
  • It is very likely that it cannot be used to register an account.

Apply for a temporary mobile phone card in China: SIM card /eSIMSupporting

passedReal name registration eSender Chinese mobile numbercustomers, at their own eSender WeChat official account upgrade to SIM card or eSIM package.

How to apply for a mobile phone card online?

The following is eSender China temporary mobile phone number, how to apply for prepaid phone SIM card/eSIM package▼

What should I do if I only buy a 1GB temporary prepaid phone card internet package and run out of 4G internet data?

  • Reply:If the 4G Internet data package is used up, you can eSender Recharge in the official account, and then repeatedly purchase the relevant prepaid phone card Internet access package, you can continue to use the 4G prepaid phone card to access the Internet.

eSender How to recharge Chinese mobile phone number and purchase internet package, please click the following link to view ▼

Obtain eSender Promo Code

eSender Promo Code:DM8888

eSender Promotion Code:DM8888

  • The discount code for the free trial period of registering a Chinese mobile phone number is currently 7 days. If you enter the discount code when registering:DM8888
  • You can get a 7-day free trial, and after the first successful recharge to purchase a package, the service validity period can be extended for an additional 30 days.
  • " eSender "Promo Code" and "Recommender" eSender Number" can only be filled in one item, it is recommended to fill in eSender Promo Code.

Price Description of China Temporary Mobile Phone Card/Phone Card Package

The following is eSender China temporary mobile phone number,Prepaidphone cardGo onlinePackage price description▼

  • Among them, the prepaid Chinese temporary phone card SIM card / eSIM Internet plan, some are applicable to Mainland China,Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, USA, Canada, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

What mobile phones support the purchase of eSIM? The following is eSender Hong Kong mobile number, price description of prepaid phone card internet package ▼

  • Among them, the Hong Kong prepaid SIM card / eSIM Internet package,Some are available in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, USA, Canada, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

How to convert a Hong Kong mobile phone physical card into an eSIM? Can a Hong Kong eSIM number be used in the Mainland?

Currency Automatic Converter

  • How to use:Please enter a number in the currency box to automatically convert ▼

Mainland China Mobile Number VS Hong Kong Mobile Number

The following is eSender Comparison of mobile phone numbers in mainland China VS Hong Kong mobile phone numbers▼

eSender Mainland China Mobile Number VS Hong Kong Mobile Number 9th

The following is eSender Function comparison of WeChat public account, APP, SIM card and eSIM▼

eSender Function comparison of WeChat official account, APP, SIM card and eSIM No. 10

The following is eSender Recharge method:

  • WeChat payment(RMB and HKD)
  • UnionPay online payment
  • PayPal
  • Boyuan Recharge Coupon
  • Apple Pay
  • FPS
  • Alipay
  • Taiwan supermarket

The following is eSender  Recharge method No. 11

Obtain eSender Promo Code

eSender Promo Code:DM8888

eSender Promotion Code:DM8888

  • The discount code for the free trial period of registering a Chinese mobile phone number is currently 7 days. If you enter the discount code when registering:DM8888
  • You can get a 7-day free trial, and after the first successful recharge to purchase a package, the service validity period can be extended for an additional 30 days.
  • " eSender "Promo Code" and "Recommender" eSender Number" can only be filled in one item, it is recommended to fill in eSender Promo Code.

more latest eSender Promo Code

Question 1:Do you have a 60-day free trial code?
Currently, the trial period for registering a Chinese mobile phone number is 7 days. If you enter the discount code during registration, you can extend the service validity for an additional 30 days after the first successful purchase of the package.
Question 2:Why are there promo codes for 60-day free trials online?
Before the promotion period, there was a 60-day trial period, and the current trial period for mobile phone numbers in mainland China is 7 days.

Question 3: How to get more up-to-date eSender Promo Code?

1) WeChat search public number:cwlboke

2) Dialog reply:YBT

(For more up-to-date eSender Promo Code eSender Promotion Code)

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