How to apply for Google Drive Client ID and Secret Key API?

When you set the default configuration clone When used with Google Drive, you are using rclone's client_id.This is shared among all rclone users. Google has a global rate limit on the number of queries per second that can be performed per client_id. rclone already has a high quota and I will continue to make sure it is high enough by contacting Google.

How do I make my own client_id for Google Drive?

Using your own client ID is strongly recommended, as the default rclone ID is heavily used.If you have multiple services running, it is recommended to use an API key for each service.The default Google quota is 10 per secondBusiness, so it's recommended to stay below that amount because if you use more than that it will cause rclone to rate limit and slow things down.

Here's how to create your own Google Drive client ID for rclone:

  1. Sign in with your Google accountGoogle API Console.It doesn't matter which Google Account you use. (doesn't have to be the same Google Drive account you want to access)
  2. Choose a project or create a new one.
  3. Under "Enable APIs and Services" search for "Drive", then enable"Google Drive API. "
  4. Click "Credentials" in the left panel (not "Create Credentials" which opens the wizard), then click "Create Credentials"
  5. If you have already configured the "Oauth Consent Screen", skip to the next step; if not, click the "CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN" button (near the upper right corner of the right panel), then select "External" and click "CREATE"; in the next On the screen, enter an "Application Name" ("rclone" will do) and click "Save" (all other data is optional).Click Credentials on the left panel again to return to the Credentials screen.

(PS: If you are a GSuite user, you can also choose "Internal" instead of "External" above, but this has not been tested/documented yet).

  1. Click the "+ CREATE CREDENTIALS" button at the top of the screen and select "OAuth Client ID".
    How to apply for Google Drive Client ID and Secret Key API?
  2. If you use a Google Account, select the application type of "Desktop App" or "Other" (if you use a GSuite account) and click "Create". (default name is fine)
  3. It will show you the client ID and client secret.Take note of these.
  4. Go to "Oauth Consent Screen" and press "Publish Application"
  5. Provide rclone with the noted client ID and client secret.

Please Note

Note that due to Google's recent "enhanced security", you should theoretically "submit your app for verification" and wait weeks(!) for their response;

In practice, you can use the client ID and client secret directly with rclone, the only problem is that when you connect via the browser it shows a pretty horrible confirmation screen so that rclone can get its token ID (but as this only happens during remote configuration, no big deal).

Hope Chen Weiliang Blog ( ) shared "How to apply for Google Drive Client ID and Secret Key API? , to help you.

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