How to write advanced creative advertising copy for Douyin video short films?Creative advertising copywriting case analysis

Advanced innovation is an original move that involves different categories (cross-categories).

Let’s just say that the four words “sauce latte” are probably not protected by trademarks. “Latte” is a general term for a category, so it is not suitable for trademark registration.

(If Ruixing and Moutai read this article, I think they will both become silent.)

Low-level imitation ideas are just one-to-one imitations in the same category. At most, you can only drink some soup. However, these ideas are already known to everyone, and the effect will drop significantly when you try them for the second time.

VibratoVideo short film advanced creative advertisingCopywritingHow to do it?

How to write advanced creative advertising copy for Douyin video short films?Creative advertising copywriting case analysis

The more advanced innovation is to innovate across different categories. This kind of creativity is new in my field and has not been seen by others, so the click-through rate and conversion rate will be higher.

Cross-category innovation is "eating meat" and is indeed a bold move.

However, many people only know how to imitate within the same category, and even imitation is not similar enough. In the end, they are just cheap imitations.

We need to learn to draw on the experience of popular products from different fields to stand out in a specific market area, so as to gain a competitive advantage.

Advanced creativity is to learn from successful experiences in other fields

How to create super blue ocean products in the red ocean market?

The best solutions may arise in completely different industries.

Keep a broad perspective and don’t exclude people from other fields.

TraditionalE-commercenew mediaE-commerceAll require creative talents, and execution is only the most basic skill.

The more creative and innovative thinking people in a company, the stronger the company will be.

When you visit a company, if the average employee is energized and inspired, that usually means it's a great company.

On the other hand, if the employees are listless and follow the routine, then this is probably a mediocre company.

Creative advertising copywriting case analysis

We once saw a creative advertising slogan in the field of clothing: "A little more expensive, a lot better." Although the clothes are expensive, the sales volume is very good.

Later, we applied this slogan to other fields, and the click-through rate and customer unit price in the home and food fields have increased significantly.This slogan mainly attracts customers with financial means.

The power of cross-category creative advertising copy:

  • This strategy worked very well because we were the first to adopt this slogan in the home and food sectors, thus attracting customers with financial resources.
  • On social media, we often use a humorous strategy, which works brilliantly because the level of humor is ten times higher than that of others.
  • Applying humorous beauty methods to food, home and clothing will achieve significant results.In the same category, if products are highly homogeneous, the effect will be poor.

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In any case, copying is always just a reference to a successful structure and framework. The soul and connotation must be filled by yourself, and you should not become a soulless imitator.

Although good-looking appearances are the same, interesting souls are rare and rare. Otherwise, you are just making wedding clothes for others.People remember you for your fun inside, not your gorgeous appearance.

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