Why eSender The balance is 0 after activation? Solutions and common reasons why the balance is 0 after recharging

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eSender Balance 0? The balance is missing after activation/recharge! ? The truth is revealed! Take you to unlock eSender The secret of balance, say goodbye to the worry of 0 balance!

currently using eSender During the process, some users reported that no matter how much money they recharge, the account balance still shows zero. This article will explore the causes and solutions to this problem.

Some users found that their account balance was still zero after recharging, which caused confusion and dissatisfaction among users.

This situation is not unique and is usually caused by user misunderstanding.


Purchase the package directly instead of just recharging

Users may choose to purchase packages directly instead of just recharging.

If you purchase the package directly, it will be extendedcellphone numbervalidity period without adding to the account balance.

If the user wants to top up their balance only, make sure to choose the right top up method.

If you want to recharge only, select "recharge only for balance" ▼

eSender How to recharge WeChat SMS?How to purchase package renewal?sheet 2

Obtain eSender Promo Code

eSender Promo Code:DM8888

eSender Promotion Code:DM8888

  • If you enter the discount code when registering:DM8888
  • After the first successful recharge to purchase a package, the validity period of the service can be extended for an additional 30 days.
  • " eSender "Promo Code" and "Recommender" eSender Number" can only be filled in one item, it is recommended to fill in eSender Promo Code.

eSender What should I do if the balance is zero after activation?

eSender After the account is opened, the balance is originally zero, and it must be recharged to have a balance.

Therefore, users should recharge in time after opening an account to ensure that the account balance is sufficient.

eSender cellphone numberAfter activation, recharge solution

If the user encounters a situation where the account balance is zero, he or she can solve the problem by following the following steps:

1. Choose the right recharge method:On eSender Select the appropriate recharge method on the recharge page to ensure successful recharge.

eSender For the recharge method, please check the following tutorial ▼

2. Check account balance:After recharging, check whether the account balance has been updated in time to ensure that the recharge is successful.

  • If the recharge balance is fast, the balance will be refreshed in time. If it is slow, it may take up to 15 to 30 minutes to update the recharge balance, and the system may prompt the user to wait for about 15 to 30 minutes before updating the balance.

3. Feedback to eSender customer service:If the user encounters the situation where the balance is still zero after recharging, he can use eSender Feedback the problem to customer service through the WeChat public account dialog box and wait patiently for customer service’s reply.

in conclusion

  • eSender The balance is zero after the account is opened. This situation is not an anomaly, but part of the system design.
  • If the balance is still zero after recharging, it may be that the user misunderstood the process of purchasing the package and recharging.
  • When users encounter such problems, they can solve the problem by choosing the right recharge method and providing timely feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is the account balance still zero after recharging?

Answer: The account balance is zero after recharging. It may be because you chose to purchase the package directly instead of recharging the balance.

Q: How to ensure successful recharge?

Answer: After recharging, users should promptly check whether the account balance has been updated to ensure that the recharge is successful.

Q: How to communicate with eSender Customer service contact?

Answer: Users can pass eSender Feedback the problem to customer service through the WeChat public account dialog box and wait patiently for customer service’s reply.

Q: What should I do if the account balance is not updated in time after recharging?

Answer: If the account balance is not updated in time after recharging, it is recommended that the user check whether the recharge method is incorrect and wait patiently for the system to process.

Q: Can I purchase a package directly to extend its validity?

Answer: Yes, users can choose to purchase a package directly to extend the validity period of their mobile phone number, but please note that this will not increase the account balance.

Hope Chen Weiliang Blog ( https://www.chenweiliang.com/ ) shared "Why eSender The balance is 0 after activation? The balance is 0 after recharging and the solutions and common reasons will be helpful to you.

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