Chen Weiliang's blog started to do online promotion in August 2017

Chen WeiliangBlog to start August 2017Web Promotionplan of

Whether to doWechat marketing, or to be a WeChat public account, there are 3 prerequisites for increasing fans:
1. A large amount of external traffic is continuously imported.
2. Content that can meet the needs of users.
3. It can arouse the resonance of users.

do it with the websiteSEO(Search engine optimization) can achieve these three points. Many public accounts are using this trick. The increase of fans is very stable and efficient. This method has also proved this in other public accounts I operate.

Because that website has been optimized through my efforts, but my blog has not been optimized much, so I am now announcing my plan ^_^

XNUMX. Do a good job in site optimization:

1. Research and test to install a free https security certificate (helps to improve the search index rate and page ranking)
2. GiveChen WeiliangBlog ( to replace the website template & optimize the template code.

XNUMX. Do a good job of off-site optimization:

After completing the on-site optimization, it is necessary to start the off-site optimization:
1. Go to other blogs and forums to do mixed chains.
2. Regularly exchange links.

Execute the plan step by step every day, WeChatPublic account promotion, it's only a matter of time before it rises.

The following is my [8 steps to achieve the goal]

1. Goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, and reality-based;
2. Goals must be consistent with your values;
3. Share this goal with three to five key people;
4. Prepare everything you may need;
5. Prevent overconfidence and poor planning;
6. One step at a time;
7. Build a support system;
8. Reward yourself.

Hope Chen Weiliang Blog ( ) shared "Chen Weiliang Blog's Plan for Online Promotion in August 2017", which is helpful to you.

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