What is brand strategic positioning?Trout's Strategic Positioning The Importance of 4 Differentiations

what is brand strategyPositioning?

Trout's Strategic Positioning The Importance of 4 Differentiations

Jack Trout, a famous American marketing expert, pointed out in his book "Be Different: Survival in an Age of Extreme Competition" that companies must find a way of differentiation in the face of competitors.

What is brand strategic positioning?Trout's Strategic Positioning The Importance of 4 Differentiations

The foundation of a successful brand strategic positioning:

  • if you are engaged inE-commerceOrSmall trade, must tell the customer why he should buy your product instead of someone else's?
  • Wechat marketingstrategic positioning, "differentiation" is the key.

Brand strategic positioning 3 questions

Any business that wants to do a good job in brand positioning must ask these 3 questions:

  1. What is it?
  2. where is it different?
  3. How to prove it?

Take the "Volvo" brand as an example:

1) What is it?

  • "Volvo" sells luxury sedans, sports cars, security cars, and even vans.

2) Where is it different?

  • A reliable, luxurious, safe and fun car to drive.

3) How to prove it?

  • XX airbags on our car ▼

Volvo airbag 2nd sheet

new mediaOperational strategic positioning

There are many new media people who want to doInternet marketing, but is often asked:How to locate the WeChat public account?

Please see the following 3 questions for self-positioning:

1) What field am I in?

  • New media operations.

2) What value can I provide?

3) How do I prove it?

  • The WeChat public account article has already introduced XX new media tools.
  • These new media tools have helped XX students improveWeb Promotioneffectiveness.

instinctive behavior of self-preservation

The human brain is born with an instinct for self-preservation.

Because of the instinct of self-protection in the brain, consumers (users) will produce the following behaviors:

1) Focus on yourself

  • In order to reduce energy consumption, the brain does not pay attention to things that have nothing to do with itself.

2) Limited capacity

  • The brain capacity is limited, and in order to reduce energy consumption, it is impossible to remember too much.

3) Hate clutter

  • The brain processes clutter and consumes a lot of energy.

4) Like simplicity

  • Sorting and sorting, the brain consumes less energy and effectively improves efficiency.

5) Buy from the crowd

  • Seeing that everyone has bought it, if you don't buy it yourself, you will feel outdated, as if you will lose something...

6) Resist change

  • Frequent changes, the brain consumes a lot of energy.

7) Focus on the difference

  • Different things attract the attention of the brain.

Brand strategic positioning, differentiation is the key

No. 1 Differentiation: The First Advantage

  • Most people only remember Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world.
  • The first person to publish a book in this field has a time record that cannot be faked.

2nd Differentiation: Unique Advantage

  • Be the only one who has accumulated XXX in the field.

3rd Differentiation: Long Experience

  • For example: It is admirable to say how many years of operating experience in the e-commerce industry.

The fourth kind of differentiation: the creator of XX theory

  • Introduction: XXX, a theoretical creator (creator).

Brand Strategy Positioning Model Sheet 3

The brand strategic positioning is shared here, please see the next article:'How to find your life position?"

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