What is IPv6? Does Vultr support it? VPS configuration open and close IPv6 tutorial

What is IPv6? Does Vultr support it?

VPS configuration open and close IPv6 tutorial

will get new mediapeople learn to doWeb Promotion, collect foreign data, build with Vultr科学Internet access channels, the result is that the IP address is blocked...

The only solution is to test the VPS and change the IP address ▼

Know what is IPv6?

IPv6 is an acronym for "Internet Protocol Version 6".

  • IPv6 is the next-generation protocol for the Internet, replacing the current IP protocol, IP version 4.
  • IPv6 is the next version of the Internet Protocol, it can be said to be the next generation Internet Protocol.
  • It was originally proposed because with the rapid development of the Internet, the definition of the limited address space of IPv4 will be exhausted, and the lack of address space will hinder the further development of the Internet.

In order to expand the address space, it is proposed to redefine the address space by IPv6, and IPv6 uses 128-bit address length to almostunlimitedprovide the address.

According to conservative estimates of the actual IPv6 addresses that can be allocated, more than 1,000 addresses can still be allocated per square meter of the earth.

In addition to addressing the address shortage once and for all during the IPv6 design process, other issues that were not well addressed in IPv4 were considered:

  1. Mainly includes end-to-end IP connections,
  2. Quality of Service (QoS),
  3. safety,
  4. and many more broadcasts,
  5. move,
  6. Plug and play etc.

IPv6 has these features and advantages?

  • Compared with IPv6, what are the features and advantages?

1) Larger address space.

  • IPv4指定的IP地址长度为32,即2 ^ 32-1地址?
  • 但是,如果IPv6的IP地址的长度为128,则有2 ^ 128-1个地址。

2) Smaller routing table.

  • IPv6 address assignment follows the aggregation (aggregation) principle from the start, which makes routers have records (inputs) in routing tables to represent subnets.
  • This greatly reduces the length of the router in the routing table and increases the speed at which the router can forward packets.

3) Enhanced multicast support (Multicast) and convection support (Flow-control).

  • This makes multimedia applications on the network have huge development opportunities,
  • And it provides a good network platform for quality of service (QoS) control.
  • Added support for autoconfiguration (autoconfiguration).

This is the improvement and extension of the DHCP protocol, which makes the management of the network (especially the local area network) more convenient, faster and safer.

In IPv6-enabled networks, users can encrypt data at the network layer and inspect IP packets, which greatly enhances network security.

How to configure Vultr to enable IPv6?

Configuring an IPv6 address for Vultr VPS is very simple. The following is the configuration process:

Step 1:Sign up for a Vultr VPS account for free (get a $10 discount code) ▼

Sign up for Vultr VPS for free now

Step 2:Purchase VPS, check "Enable IPv6" on the panel ▼


Purchase VPS, check the second sheet of "Enable IPv6" on the panel

  • Configure IPv6 address network in Vultr VPS background ▼

Vultr background configuration IPv6 address network sheet 3

Step 3:In the Vultr backend panel, click Restart VPS for the changes to take effect ▼

In the Vultr backend panel, click Restart VPS for the changes to take effect Sheet 4

Step 4:Resolving IPv6 addresses

  • It is recommended that you use DNSPod to resolve your domain name. In the DNSPod background panel, add AAAA records and resolve IPv6 addresses.

Step 5:ping test IPv6 address

  • Under normal circumstances, after you have completed the above steps, you can ping test your IPv6 address.
  • It is recommended to use the following tools for ping test ▼
Click here to access the centralops ping test tool

VPS configuration IPv6 address

If you encounter problems, you can add IPv6 settings depending on the VPS system version.

For details, please visit Vultr official documentation and add IPv6 address yourself ▼

Click here to visit the official Vultr document: "Configuring IPv6 on Your VPS"


On /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 Add the following lines to:


If you enable IP forwarding (proxy server), you need to add the following to /etc/sysctl.conf In the file:

  • The default setting here (ie 1) blocks and disables IPv6 from working as usual when IP forwarding is enabled.
  • You can do this by running the command sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward to check if IP forwarding is enabled.

Debian/Ubuntu system

On /etc/network/interfaces Add the following lines to the file:

iface eth0 inet6 static
address 2001:DB8:1000::100
netmask 64
up /sbin/ip -6 addr add dev eth0 2001:19f0:4009:2001::1234

If you enable IP forwarding (proxy server), you need to add the following to /etc/sysctl.conf In the file:

  • The default setting here (ie 1) blocks and disables IPv6 from working as usual when IP forwarding is enabled.
  • You can do this by running the command sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward to check if IP forwarding is enabled.

FreeBS system

On /etc/rc.conf Add the following lines to the file:

ifconfig_vtnet0_ipv6="inet6 2001:DB8:1000::100 prefixlen 64"
ifconfig_vtnet0_alias0="inet6 2001:19f0:4009:2001::1234 prefixlen 64"

(Please replace the above red IPv6 address with your VPS IPv6 address)

IPv6 Address Network Configuration Example

For your reference, the correct network configuration file of the current VPS is displayed.

Before opening the link below, please change the code at the end of the URL below to your VPS number ▼


How does Vultr configure to disable IPv6 addresses?

On reboot, disable IPv6 permanently:

If you want to turn off IPv6, the following method can do it.

Open the file with a text editor▼


Add the following ▼

net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1

net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.eth0.disable_ipv6 = 1

To activate these changes in /etc/sysctl.conf, run:

$ sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

Or simply restart the VPS.

Recommended cost-effective VPS

It is recommended that all users in mainland China use Vultr VPS, which is very cost-effective ▼

Sign up for Vultr VPS for free now

Extended reading:

Hope Chen Weiliang Blog ( https://www.chenweiliang.com/ ) shared "What is IPv6? Does Vultr support it? VPS configuration to turn on and off IPv6 tutorial", to help you.

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6 people commented on "What is IPv6? Does Vultr support it? VPS configuration to enable and disable IPv6 tutorial"

  1. Hello blogger, I just read vutlr, the 2.5 packages are all ipv6 only, how can I make a tutorial for this, I don’t know what ipv6 will affect, when I buy it, will I be unable to connect? can't use it

    1. This article is to introduce how Vultr uses IPV6.

      Since IPv6 will be used to extend the functionality of IP addresses, IPv6 will eventually replace IPv4 as the Internet standard.

      If you can't connect after purchasing, you can post a request for a refund on Vultr's official website.

  2. Hello, the current vultr 2.5 knife only has ipv6, but after opening it, I can't connect to vps on putty directly with ipv6.Prompt network is unreachable.
    What should I do?Still need to set something?If the settings can only be operated through the console of the background panel?
    Thank you

    1. Rebooting via SSH, errors may occur.

      Enabling IPv6 requires a restart through the Vultr control panel to run the application configuration update.

      Can you give it a try and restart via the Vultr control panel?


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