Douyin account operation tips for increasing fans: how to quickly increase fans if a novice just started playing Douyin?

How to make a monthly income of 3VibratoNo?Douyin 0 Basic Fan Growth Operation Cheats!

  • Douyin's skills to increase fans start from 0: 0 basics, teach you to make a Douyin account with a monthly income of 3

friendly reminder:This article is the secrets of Douyin's operation to increase fans after interviewing a number of Douyin millionaires.

~~~ The following is the introduction from Chen Liuye~~~

Douyin account operation tips for increasing fans: how to quickly increase fans if a novice just started playing Douyin?

When I posted this article, I was actually thinking about which skills can help you achieve this goal of making money.

What you need to do something is not a single skill, but a combination of punches.

Just talking about the realization of Douyin, what I will give you is the data capture ability,Copywritingability, andCommunity MarketingOperational capability.

So this course, I gave you 3Internet marketingSkill course packs are given to you whenever you want to learn.

However, please note that this is valid before the official start of the course and can be received.

I'm telling my friends that our own courses only sell for 49.9, and the skills package courses we send far exceed the price of our courses.

It's a bit overwhelming, but as long as it helps you, these should give everyone a broader stage.

I am Chen Liuye, the founder of "Liuye Notes" and "What Classes Are Worth Learning".In my 6 years of business, I have met many, many people.

Some rich people around me, in 2008TaobaoWhen it was booming, when I entered Taobao, I was forced to pay bills by the second child. Now my career is booming and my family is happy;

There are those who entered the industry and realized the freedom of wealth when the self-media first emerged;

There are also some friends who took the opportunity to cut a bunch of leeks when Toutiao Penguin Baijia was having fun, and now they have become the official contracted high-quality content exporter.

The above for their entrepreneurial success, we call it: Outlet Entrepreneurship ▼

Who is the next pig to stand on the tuyere?2nd

This is the famous saying of Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi mobile phone:

"As long as you stand in the wind, pigs can fly!"Lei Jun, founder of Xiaomi mobile phone

As long as you stand in the wind, pigs can fly! - Lei Jun

Of course, most people are not like this:

  • For ordinary people, the more likely destination is to work hard in an ordinary position...
  • With the wages slowly rising, I want to break free from the invisible restraint, but I feel more and more powerless...
I have asked many people in the circle of friends, what do they think of Douyin today?

  • Lots of interesting comments:
  • Magical BGM: Recording the GoodLife;
  • Those who have a deeper understanding will say that you can make money through Douyin.

But unfortunately, few people realize that this is one of the few opportunities available to us ordinary people.

Douyin is on fire

Since January, this video that is red through half the skysoftware, has been occupying the top three free lists in the Apple Store, and now, he has beaten the other two.
  • A few months ago, the number of daily broadcasts exceeded 30 billion, and the daily active people once exceeded 6000 million
  • WeChat Index, Baidu Index, Douyin is already the sum of Kuaishou and Volcano.
  • 2 micro-1 shake, is now all brandsnew mediaMarketing standard
  • Douyin's latest user data: Ben科学Calendar 60%, male to female ratio 4:6,90, 35% of users are less than XNUMX years old, focusing on first- and second-tier cities
Wherever the wind blows, the grass will fall. Even a towering tree as strong as Ali will use the power of the wind.
With the strong rise of Douyin, the saying of "two micros and one shake" has gradually gained popularity.
Whether it is individuals or companies, they have focused on this, and the huge traffic in the Red Sea has madeAlipay, Xiaomi mobile phone, Airbnb, IKEA, Pizza Hut and other brands, also followed.

A high-quality platform that giants are unwilling to give up

After "the most unscrupulous official micro", ChinaE-commerceThe payment giant, Alipay, has once again brought out the "most unscrupulous official shaking". Alipay has quickly integrated with shaking friends through tricks such as joking with Duanzishou, and has been opened for a month.Easily circled 34.5 fans and received 78.6W of likes.
Xiaomi, which respects technology, has gone a step further in selling cute and playful treasures, incorporating more technological and creative elements. Through various cool special effects and brain holes, it not only transmits brand culture to users, but alsoGained millions of fans in one fell swoop. 

Grassroots appeared, each showing their magical powers

It is not denied that Xiaomi and Ali can be successful, and the well-known enterprises have their own traffic attributes, which have given great support.
But the following cases will make you feel that the low cost of Douyin’s fame is scary.
In early January, Qiuhan, a post-90s girl, uploaded a video on Douyin about tea that can "divine". No matter what question you ask, when you open the top sticker of the milk tea cover, the corresponding answer will be revealed, which arouses the strength of Douyin. onlookers.
Join 2 stores within 249 months, and access 8000 franchise consultation calls a day.
Douyin, a traffic depression, makes grassroots,Small tradechance to be famousunlimitedenlarge.
Fei Qiming, a little fresh meat in 1996, only took fifteen seconds to ask a question, "If your ex-boyfriend and current boyfriend fall into the water at the same time, can I be your boyfriend?"Gained 1543W fans and 3820W likes.
There is also a video of a male tourist taking a selfie in Bali and being caught off guard by the waves, which has more than 530 million likes.
If you follow the right trend, you are the successful person who started from scratch with no background, no funds and no luck.
Most people think that they are just bad luck. These people only see the most worthless things in successful people, and they are content with the status quo and continue to do nothing.
Obviously, the success of others is due to luck, a typical ostrich mentality, except for finding some poor self-consolation, it does not help one's own life.


5000 million views, no face and no editing

This is a case of Dudu Yang, one of the lecturers of this course, in April 2018. No editing technology was used, and the production process did not exceed a short video of 4 minutes. The exposure reached 20 million, and it was successfully guided to the public account. 5000W+.
The intelligent recommendation mechanism used by Douyin does not require content creators to accumulate followers from zero. Even the first video released with 0 followers can still create tens of millions of exposures, which gives new media practitioners a lot of room to play. .
Review project: 0 budget, 5000 million exposure, 300 million likes, 7 followers on the official account, and finally brought an additional 5 yuan in revenue.

After Douyin has hundreds of millions of users, it can also be famous for moving bricks

I know a friend who does Douyin. In August 2017, I just started to enter the self-media world. In January, I started to contact Douyin. Now it is three months after the time is due to its Douyin Matrix.Has covered 100 million fans, and the main job is to move bricks.
This incident gave me a great shock, because before this, I always thought that he had big coffee and company support behind him, and on the other hand, he caught up with the special period of rapid development of Douyin.
After chatting with him for a long time, I realized that although he is the creator of the Million Matrix, he does not have any background support behind it. Of course, his success is not a piece of shit luck, nor is he a one-of-a-kind self-media genius.
When everyone was on Douyin, he sank down to his heart, carefully studied user needs, platform recommendation algorithms, and spent a lot of effort to develop the idea of ​​making accounts.he told me,The reason why Douyin can explode is completely regular:
First, use the crawler to crawl out the data of all the short videos of Douyin for a day. Only three directions are listed below:
First climb out the distribution time distribution of Douyin videos, and on this basis, use the release time period as a time reference to obtain the time distribution of video likes in the following figure:
Obviously, the difference in effect can be seen in the time period. 13:000 pm and 18:00 pm are the peak likes, so I came to the conclusion: When you are ready to publish the video, it is best to choose these two time points about.
In addition, most of the likes in these 2 pieces of data are below 700, and the proportion of tens of thousands of short videos is not large. This is calculated according to the algorithm of Toutiao.
Therefore,1000 likes is a threshold. After a thousand likes and reposts, the weight of the video will increase, and then Douyin will give you the next distribution of larger traffic.
This point should remind Douyin people not to believe the sayings circulating on the Internet that you can swipe likes and comments. The algorithm recommendation that Toutiao is proud of will lock you in a small dark room in minutes, and all your efforts will be in vain.
After that, I used my personal relationships to ask my friends who made short videos in the industry for verification, and the ideas for making accounts and the algorithm recommendations for the tests were surprisingly consistent.
Now, I have systematically sorted out the way of thinking and monetization of Douyin account.Developed a set of 5 lessons, each of which is full of dry goods, a series of courses combining theory, method and practice.
Regardless of whether you have short video experience or not, you can quickly make a Douyin account with a monthly income of 3 yuan in a short period of time.
How does Douyin raise an account to quickly increase its fans?What are the taboos?Douyin steps and skills
Why plan this Douyin course?
Because this is another outlet platform with a very low threshold and a large dividend that I have seen in the past 6 years in the new media industry:


Why I recommend you to attend the class because:




5,还有,我会教你如何优化运营,如何利用好点赞评论区,如何将粉丝有效导流到APP /公众号;



Chen Liuye

"What lessons are worth learning", founder of "Liu Ye Notes"

Member of AT Think Tank

New media marketing consultant for many companies

new mediaPublic account promotion15 days suction powder 30W+

Traded the new media matrix number and successfully realized 100 watts+

Dudu Yang

Initiator of "Douyin Pan-Cultural Alliance"

One Book Culture Co-founder

In 3 months, create a Douyin matrix of tens of millions of fans

2 years of practical experience in 20+ million new media communication

Douyin account operation tips for increasing fans: how to quickly increase fans if a novice just started playing Douyin?

Douyin Bonus Class is taught online for the first time

10 major processes and 25 operational strategies

80 subdivision modules

Unlock the new posture of Douyin operation

Douyin monetization, product marketing

Increase the powder increment, everything is done

Step on the short video outlet

Mobile phone identification QR code, check immediately

Original price 199 yuan, limited time special price 49.9 yuan 

Just for a cup of coffee

Acquire the current biggest profit making skills

Course Introduction

Pilot lesson: Douyin on the outlet

◇When the tuyere comes, you must seize it, and you can keep it when the tuyere is over.
Lesson XNUMX: Layout
First, the hardware layout
Hits and assists
◇The combination of the main number and the pilot number allows you to do more with less.
2. The leverage point of the full channel:
◇System and tools for collecting content, templates and routines for editing content;
◇ Channels and rewards for publishing content; skills and platforms for harvesting and monetization.
Second, the content layout
MonetizePositioning :  
◇ Tell you what we will sell in the future
2. Crowd positioning:
◇Tell you who to sell to in the future
3. Style positioning:
◇Tell you what group of people to target; what style to target
Content Template:
◇Tell you how to design content, watch routines to ensure quality
5. Expression template:
◇See through the expressive essence of short videos and improve efficiency
Three, release layout
发布 时间:
◇ See through the time rules and seize the peak traffic points.
2. Release channel:
◇Tell you the must-do routines published.
Lesson XNUMX: Outbreak
One, mass production
1. Prepare the ammunition:
◇Teach you to prepare video ammo library
2. Prepare the channel:
◇Teach you to build release channels and prepare
3. Get ready to assist:
◇Make a release plan, everything is ready, just owe Dongfeng
Second, energy storage
1. Tag to lock content:
◇Give you content routines and teach you to locate user-locked content
2. Test phase:
◇Test the explosive potential energy of different means
3. Preparation schedule for suction fission:
◇ MasteryWeb PromotionTraffic rhythm, improve efficiency
Three, the outbreak
Suction flow method:
◇Tell you the classic three tricks of suction flow, the operation technology and inside story of 10W+ playback volume
Fission Dafa:
◇ tell youViral marketingCommon fission routines, how to capture the hearts of fans
Lesson XNUMX: Realization
One, preparation for realization
Monetization platform:
◇Tell you which platforms can be monetized
Realization process:
◇To make monetization easy, and tell you the monetization routine.
Second, direct realization
Sell ​​products:
◇A classic routine for selling products to you, allowing fans and audiences to automatically pay
Selling Services:
◇Let your fans and audiences never forget about non-physical "goods",
The unforgettable three axes
Third, indirect realization
sell yourself:
◇ーThe self-cultivation road of a Douyin internet celebrity.
Sell ​​traffic:
◇ Flow panacea, a quick training guide for Douyin account.

Recommended by big coffee


Course Highlights

Feature 1: Easy to understand
  • Through simple and easy-to-understand language and rich case descriptions, even if you have zero basic knowledge, you can quickly master the gameplay of Douyin short videos.
  • In just 3 lessons, you will learn how to seize this wave of Douyin dividends and gain opportunities for wealth growth.
Feature XNUMX: Step by step
  • Through the sequential explanation of the three stages of layout-explosion-realization;
  • Help you systematically master the method of monetizing through Douyin (0.3 class learning time);
  • With 2 practical homework tutorials to help you quickly achieve from entry to mastery.
Feature 3: Strong operability
  • There are many courses on Douyin, but few of them have a complete system and can help practice.
  • Two senior new media giants, through their own practical experience of Douyin Tuba;
  • Take you to understand the operation strategy of Douyin in an all-round way from "Tao" to "Skill", and provide you with a quick setdrainage, an executive manual for increasing powder and monetization.

Douyin Bonus Class is taught online for the first time

10 major processes and 25 operational strategies

80 subdivision modules

Unlock the new posture of Douyin operation

Douyin monetization, product marketing

Increase the powder increment, everything is done

Step on the short video outlet

Mobile phone identification QR code, check immediately

Original price 199 yuan, limited time special price 49.9 yuan 

Just for a cup of coffee

Acquire the current biggest profit making skills

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