How to segment the market?Theoretical research on segmentation and the case of positioning marketing strategy

How to spot a blue ocean in a particular market segment?

How to segment the market?Theoretical research on segmentation and the case of positioning marketing strategy

Finding multiple high-value segments for your product is pretty cool.Recommended collection!

E-commercePositioningMarketing strategy case

For example, the Dali smart lamp under ByteDance can be both a learning machine and a desk lamp.

Therefore, in this case, two sets of detail pages are made, each with two key words:

  1. A set of "competitive learning machines"
  2. One set focuses on "a desk lamp with intelligent functions that can accompany learning".

SEOLong-tail keywords have in-depth research on what market segments, and we will focus on what selling points, so that the conversion rate can be maximized in two or more markets.

  • This is the market segmentation method we often use in e-commerce. Positioning a product in two or more market segments can expand the sales potential of a product.
  • Or there is another routine, which is to rename and package a product that all its peers are selling in the A category, and put it in the B market, avoiding the competition all of a sudden.

How to carry out market segmentation positioning?

One way to increase conversions is to segment your user base.

Many entrepreneurs have seized the bonus market from the beginning. The bonus market does not select users. Although the conversion rate is not high, it isWeb PromotionTraffic costs are cheap.

But once the competition is big, the traffic will decrease and the cost will increase.Conversion rates have dropped again because of competition.There is no profit inside or outside.

At this time, I have to check again which users I have?elder?middle-aged?women?

Generally speaking, their needs are actually different. If you want to restore high profits, you have to reposition and select one group and discard other groups.

The cost of traffic is still high, but if you choose to segment users and re-layout from product to visual, then the conversion rate can be significantly improved, and the extra is profit.

The peers are not so smart, because they can't see the way of positioning, they can only imitate a point, and can't imitate a system.

LearnSegmentation theory research and experience in positioning marketing strategy

It is said that 40% of the people who participated in the e-commerce training course are sellers who have opened stores for more than one year, and 30% are sellers with monthly sales of more than 10.

In the early days, these sellers seized some product opportunities and did it, but because of the lack of systematicInternet marketingOperational experience, resulting in unstable performance.

The purpose of learning systematic market segmentation theory research and positioning marketing strategy experience is to know the reasons behind various problems encountered by the store?

It allows you to focus on the key points and solve the problem without spending too much effort.

  • For example: for many products, we can make the products more subdivided through scenarios.
  • For example, this product is used by women going to the gym. The more detailed you describe, the more accurate the crowd will be (the main image will attract this crowd), and the final conversion rate will be higher.
  • If you don’t study the scene yourself, the people who click in may be messy people, there are men, women, old and young, and the conversion rate is naturally not high.​​​

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