How can a Tmall store achieve annual sales of 1 million? These 5 tips are simply e-commerce secrets

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Revealing the Tmall store with annual sales of over 100 million, an e-commerce miracle not to be missed! 💡✨

Under the hot topic on Weibo, a girl who returned from overseas successfully pushed the sales of Shaomai to 2 million within one year after returning to China. She was also hotly searched on Weibo, mainly on the Tmall platform.

How can a Tmall store achieve annual sales of 1 million? These 5 tips are simply e-commerce secrets

In this eye-catching topic, a girl who has returned from overseas has pushed the sales of Shaomai to 2 million with amazing performance, which has aroused heated discussions on Weibo. The main battlefield is mainly concentrated on the Tmall platform.

What kind of business strategy and market acumen are behind this success is worthy of further exploration.

Introduction to the background of Tmall stores with annual sales of 1 million

As a popular food, the market competition for Shaomai is extremely fierce.

Observing this product, we found that it does not have much special features, but it has successfully stood out in Tmall, a platform where traffic is gradually drying up. It is not easy.

The public's demand for delicious food is increasing day by day. How to stand out in the fierce competition has become a problem facing every entrepreneur.

Challenges of Tmall e-commerce platform

  • Currently, Tmall’s free traffic is quite limited and basically requires payment.
  • This is undoubtedly quite challenging for a new brand to achieve sales of hundreds of millions on the Tmall platform.
  • The barriers to entry in the market are gradually increasing, requiring more clever strategies and means to stand out in the fierce competition.

Tmall store’s strategy to achieve annual sales of over 100 million

Stop being afraid of e-commerce competition, learn these 5 tips and break sales records! 🚀🔥

Take a closer look, the key strategies for annual sales of over 100 million are here, come and reveal the secrets of e-commerce! 🕵️‍♂️🌐

  1. Li Jiaqi's Way
  2. Paid promotion advertising
  3. Opportunities in niche categories
  4. low price strategy
  5. Traditional brand advantages

Li Jiaqi's Way

  • To achieve sales of over 100 million on Tmall, you can learn from the successful experience of a certain C.
  • First of all, find Li Jiaqi, he can create a live broadcast for you that starts with one million.
  • If you're lucky, sales could reach into the millions.
  • Once your popularity increases, more anchors will help you promote your products, making it easy to achieve sales of over 100 million.
  • In addition, you can also use the business team to find a large number of Internet celebrities to cooperate with, and they can help you quickly increase sales.

FindVibratoWhat do anchors ask when bringing goods and cooperation? Please browse the tutorial below for specific methods ▼

Paid promotion advertising

  • If your product is a mass consumer product, you can consider a paid advertising strategy.
  • Under normal circumstances, the input-output ratio of mass consumer goods is roughly around 1:3.
  • In other words, if you invest 2000 million forWeb Promotion, investing an average of 6 yuan a day, and if you persist for one year, you can bring in sales of 6000 million yuan.
  • At the same time, this can also drive natural traffic and repeat customers, thereby achieving sales of over 100 million.
  • However, it should be noted that there is also a certain risk of loss in this approach.

Opportunities in niche categories

  • For entrepreneurs with limited funds, niche categories may be a more viable option.
  • While you may not be able to invest as much money, niche markets have less competition and you can get more precise organic traffic.
  • bySEOWith search traffic and homepage referral traffic, you can find your place in the market.
  • If your product has an overwhelming position in the industry and the unit price per customer is high enough, such as several thousand yuan, Tmall is the preferred platform for niche products due to the huge Chinese market.
  • With just 10,000 customers and repeat purchases, it is possible to achieve sales of over 100 million.

low price strategy

  • Learning from Pinduoduo’s successful model, adopting a low-price strategy is also a feasible approach.
  • It is best to have your own factory and be able to achieve the lowest price on the entire network.
  • In this way, you can get traffic support from the platform and do some advertising,Tao KeBy other means, you can quickly reach the top three and easily achieve sales of over 100 million.

Traditional brand advantages

  • For traditional brands that have already established their popularity offline, consumers will directly search for the brand name without much effort, and easily achieve sales of over 100 million on Tmall.
  • This is also a less labor-intensive way to expand your business online with the help of offline popularity.

Other discussions

  • In addition to the aboveInternet marketingStrategy, are there other ways to achieve sales of over 100 million on the Tmall platform?
  • Everyone is welcome to discuss and share more experiences and insights.

in conclusion

  • It is not easy to achieve sales of over 100 million on the Tmall platform, but there are still many ways through clever online marketing strategies and flexible use of various resources.
  • Choosing a strategy that suits your brand and products and continuously optimizing its execution is the key to standing out in the fierce competition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Is there a more specific way to cooperate with Li Jiaqi?

Answer: Li Jiaqi’s cooperation methods mainly include live broadcast and anchor cooperation. You can contact the business team to negotiate a live broadcast starting at one million, or find an anchor who has a good cooperative relationship with Li Jiaqi to increase product visibility and sales.

Question 2: Are paid promotional ads suitable for all products?

Answer: Not all products are suitable for paid promotion advertising. This mainly depends on the nature of the product and the target audience. Mass consumer goods are more suitable, but for niche products, other promotion strategies may need to be considered.

Question 3: How can niche categories get more natural traffic on Tmall platform?

Answer: Niche categories can improve their ranking in searches through SEO optimization, and at the same time strive for opportunities to be recommended on the homepage. It is recommended to focus on the uniqueness of the product in the industry to attract target customers, thereby gaining more natural traffic.

Question 4: Will the low price strategy affect product quality?

Answer: The low price strategy will not necessarily affect product quality, but it needs to ensure that cost control is achieved while maintaining quality. A low-price strategy can be balanced by increasing production efficiency and reducing other costs.

Question 5: Are there any other strategies for sales of over XNUMX million that are suitable for specific industries?

Answer: Yes, every industry has its own uniqueness, so corresponding strategies need to be developed based on industry characteristics. Consider working with professionals in the industry to learn more targeted strategies.

Hope Chen Weiliang Blog ( ) shared "How to build a Tmall store with annual sales of 1 million?" These 5 tips are simply e-commerce secrets" that will be helpful to you.

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