What are the AliExpress platform product release skills?How to release AliExpress products?

AliExpressE-commercePlatform andTaobaoBoth Tmall platforms are owned by Alibaba, but there are big differences in operations. Therefore, for sellers who have previously opened stores on Taobao and Tmall platforms, they need to learn some things about AliExpress after opening a new AliExpress store.Web PromotionHow to operate, let's introduce some product release skills on AliExpress platform now!

What are the AliExpress platform product release skills?How to release AliExpress products?

What are the AliExpress platform product release skills?

1. Product title

Product title support station, internal and external keyword search, a professional product title can make you stand out from thousands of high-quality products on the search page.A high-quality product title should contain the product attributes that buyers are most concerned about and can highlight the selling point of the product:

  • 1. Key information of the product and highlights of sales;
  • 2. Sales methods and special services provided;
  • 3. Keywords that buyers may search for;

Generally, it can be: logistics freight + service + sales method + product material/feature + product name.

2. Attribute Fill

Buyers with clear purchasing needs will conduct further screening based on certain attributes after searching for keywords.Only products with the corresponding attributes filled in will appear after the buyer clicks the filter criteria.

Filling in the system recommendation and custom product attributes in detail and accurately can facilitate buyers to search for your products more accurately, improve exposure opportunities, and more importantly, let buyers clearly understand the important attributes of your products, reduce buyers’ concerns and The cost of communication increases the probability of a successful transaction.

By analyzing the transaction data, we found that most of the sellers with more transactions not only filled in the attributes provided by the system, but also actively added many product attributes that buyers paid attention to.

How to publish AliExpress product keywords?

(1) Keywords need to ensure that there is a close connection with the product.

(2) It is best to combine the popular vocabulary of the moment.

(3) Keywords should be consistent with the search habits of overseas users.

(4) Ensure that the keywords have sufficient exposure. In addition to the product title, you can also use the product's brief description, setting custom attributes, and product detail pages to emphasize product keywords.

(5) Keyword optimization, obtain product-related keywords through various methods and channels, so as to provide an important reference for specifying keywords with better effects.

According to the relevant transaction data on the AliExpress platform, you can accuratelyPositioningCountries and customer groups with the largest number of orders, so as to carry out long-term in-depth cultivation and maintenance of the market that is most suitable for their own products.

Hope Chen Weiliang Blog ( https://www.chenweiliang.com/ ) shared "What are the product release skills on the AliExpress platform?How to release AliExpress products? , to help you.

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