What does conversion rate mean?How to calculate the conversion rate formula of e-commerce orders?

What does conversion rate mean?

OnInternet marketingThe conversion rate in , is the ratio of the number of conversions completed to the total number of clicks on promoted content during a statistic period.

  • Conversion rates are at the heart of a website’s ultimate profitability.
  • Improving the conversion rate of the website is the result of the overall operation of the website.

What does conversion rate mean?How to calculate the conversion rate formula of e-commerce orders?

How to calculate conversion rate?

Conversion rate calculation formula:Conversion rate = (Conversions / Clicks) × 100%

Website conversion rate = number of visits to a certain action / total number of visits × 100%

The meaning of the indicator: measure how attractive a site's content is to visitors, andWeb Promotioneffect.

For example:

  • 10 users see the search promotion result, 5 of them click the promotion result and jump to the target URL.
  • After that there are 2 users with subsequent conversion behavior.
  • In the end, the conversion rate of the promotion result is (2/5) × 100% = 40%.

(1) Advertising conversion rate

1. Indicator name:

  • Ad conversion rate.

2. Indicator definition:

  • The conversion rate of netizens who click on the advertisement and enter the promotion website.

3. Indicator description:

  • Statistics period, including hours, days, weeks and months, can also be set as required.
  • Statistics include Flash Ads, Image Ads, Text Link Ads, Soft Articles, Electronicemail marketingAds, Video Marketing Ads, Rich Media Ads, etc…

Conversion refers to the sign of a netizen's identity change:

  • For example, Internet users upgrade from ordinary visitors to registered users or purchase users.
  • Conversion badges usually refer to certain pages, such as registration success page, purchase success page, download success page, etc…
    Views to these pages are called conversions.
  • The ratio of the conversion volume of advertising users to the advertising coverage is called the advertising conversion rate.

(2) Website conversion rate

Website conversion rate is the ratio of the number of visits (transactions) to the total number of times users take the corresponding goal action.

It should be noted that the corresponding actions mentioned here can be user login, user registration, user subscription, user download, user purchase, etc. Therefore, the website conversion rate is a generalized concept.

Take user login as an example:

  • If there are 100 logins to the site for every 10 visits, the site has a login conversion rate of 10%.
  • The last 2 users subscribe and the subscription conversion rate is 20%.
  • There is 1 user placing an order, the purchase conversion rate is 50%, and the website conversion rate is 1%.

It is worth noting that many people define website conversion rate as registration conversion rate or order conversion rate, which is a narrow concept of website conversion rate.

Measure website conversion rates

1) CTR

AdWords and text links, portal images, drill advertising measurement indicators - click-through rate.

  • Such online promotion activities usually have high investment and return rate.
  • Our goal is to promote stores and products to enhance brand image and sales.
  • Therefore, the most important metric to test the conversion rate of such promotions is the click-through rate.

CTR can reflect:

  1. Are the ads attractive?
  2. Are the ads acceptable to users?
  3. How many people come to the online store?

2) Second hop rate

After entering the website, the conversion rate measured - the second jump rate.

  • On the advertising page, we can see how many clicks are there to find out how many people enter the online store?

Then we need to understand the conversion rate through the second jump rate.

  • The double hop rate refers to the user visiting the site, if he is interested in a page or product on the site, he will click again, which will result in two hops.

Bounce rate and bounce rate are opposite concepts:

  • The higher the double jump rate, the better.
  • The formula for calculating the second jump rate: the second jump rate = the number of second clicks / the number of website visitors.

3) Inquiry rate

After entering the product page, the metric to measure the conversion rate - the consultation rate.

Obviously, some users will be interested in this product, and after entering the product page, when they are attracted by the product, they will consult and communicate through tools such as QQ, Want Want, and 400 Phone.

  • This is a metric that checks the conversion rate of a page.
  • The formula for calculating the consultation rate: consultation rate = consultation volume / number of product page visitors.

4) Order conversion rate

After user consultation, the indicator to measure the conversion rate - the order conversion rate.

  • The order conversion rate is the ultimate measure, depending on the inquiries from users and customers, as well as the results of the communication.
  • The formula for calculating the order conversion rate: order conversion rate = order / consultation volume

(3)SEOConversion rates

SEO conversion rate is the ratio of the number of times users visit our website through search engines to the total number of visits by users on the website.

SEO conversion rate is a broad concept.

The corresponding website user behavior can be:

  • User login
  • User Registration
  • User subscription
  • User download
  • User read
  • User Sharing and Other User Actions

E-commerceConversion rates

E-commerceConversion rates are different:

  • E-commerceThe conversion rate of the website is mainly concentrated on the transaction volume and the total number of websites.
  • The percentage of IP and SEO conversion rates, is the conversion of visitors into resident users of the website through SEO.
  • It can also be understood as the conversion of visitors to users.

In addition, there are many usefulWordPressA website for SEO does not have the requirements of a professional e-commerce website, nor does it directly participate in the sale of products through the website.

such as, eSender VirtualChinese mobile number, through WeChatPublic account promotion▼ to complete the order

So, how to improveCopywritingConversion rate?please seeChen WeiliangThis tutorial from the blog▼

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