Chen Weiliang: What is the premise of harvesting a deal?There are 3 prerequisites that must be fulfilled

Summarize the premise of harvesting the transaction:
Demand, Trust, Participation

When we cultivate users, we gain trust, and when we gain trust, we harvest transactions. This is a natural process, so if you want to make a deal, don’t rush to make a deal. You have to have a mature process.

Although sometimes unfamiliar customers can also make deals, this should not be the mainstream you are pursuing. If you always want to make deals with unfamiliar customers, you will ignore the process of maturing, otherwise your chances of making deals will become a lot less.

Harvest sales = increased trust

We must have this awareness: harvesting a deal is also a kind of trust enhancement, and it is also a process and an opportunity.That is, if you sell your products and your products are good, you serve your customers well, and your customers get a satisfactory experience, which in itself can increase trust, right?

The process of our cultivation is to increase trust and goodwill. When you make a transaction, the other party is very satisfied with the products or services you provide, and you may get more trust than you usually interact with.

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