How to add a lot of followers on WeChat? Free automatic addition of 5 accurate friends

This article is "Drainage promotion"Part 3 of a series of nine articles:

Chen Weiliang: How to add a lot of followers to WeChat?

Copywriting skills to automatically add 5 precise friends for free

Often, just learning to doWeb Promotion,Wechat marketingIf you are new to WeChat, you will encounter many problems, such as: how to add a lot of followers to WeChat?What are the channels for adding fans to WeChat?

In fact, any high-traffic platform, as long as you can study it carefully, there are ways to add followers on WeChat.

2 ways to add friends

1. Actively add friends

2. Passively add friends

If you are just pure, for the number of WeChat friends, you can go to Baidu to search for "WeChat group" and directly enter the WeChat group to add friends.

However, I will not use the method of actively adding friends, because adding fans in this way is usually not of high quality, and the speed of adding friends is very slow.

However, if you have participated in someE-commercetraining, e.g. attendingIntercept CollegeOfE-commerceCourses, enter the paid WeChat group, the quality of the crowd is high, and they are willing to pay for the value of learning, it is recommended to add them as friends.

Why is it slow to actively add friends?

  • Because a lotSmall tradeEveryone likes mass messaging and violent advertising, so WeChat officials, in order to avoid harassment by micro-businesses, have also imposed various restrictions on the number and methods of adding friends every day.
  • How many people can one WeChat account add?WeChat official limit, each WeChat account can add up to 5000 friends.

The following data are the results of our testing of WeChat restrictions:

1. People nearby:
The maximum number of people added is 15 people/day, the frequency is 3 times/day, and the interval is 100 minutes.

2. Shake:
The maximum number of people added is 15 people/day, the frequency is 3 times/day, and the interval is 100 minutes.

3. Address Book Search:
The maximum number of people added is 6 people/single, the frequency is less than 5 times/day, the interval time is 100 minutes, and the total number of people added does not exceed 20.

4. cellphone number, QQ import:
As long as it can be imported normally, the addition is displayed normally, and 20-50 people can be added. The point is that this function is limited, and sometimes only the invitation is displayed.

5. Drift bottle:
The maximum number of people added is 5 people/day, the frequency is 3 times/day, and the interval is 100 minutes.

6. Actively add friends:No more than 30 people a day.

7. Passively add friends:Only 180 people can be added a day.

(With the rapid development of WeChat users, there will be more and more restrictions on actively adding WeChat friends and entering WeChat groups in optimizing the user experience)

Therefore, passively adding friends will be faster, and passively adding friends is easier than actively adding friends!

then, doInternet marketing, how can I passively add friends?

This tooChen Weiliang,based on"new flow theory", to share with you: a lot of passive friend skills.

"New Flow Theoretical Model" Sheet 1

"New Flow Theory" (Chen Weiliang 100% original, copyright ownedChen WeiliangOwned)

Choose a platform

  • If you want to be added as a lot of friends, newbies can choose popular post bars and forum communities to start.
  • Search engine is a super traffic platform with richSEOExperienced people like to focus on search engines and do website optimization, which is also a very good choice.

research platform

Research platform, there are 2 key points that must be researched:

1. Research Platform Rules

2. Research user behavior

Research Platform Rules

1. The purpose is to avoid being banned for violations.

  • forum marketingnew mediaEveryone knows that the rules of each forum are different. The same post will be deleted in this forum, but not in another, so you must find out the rules of the forum.

2. In addition, in order to increase the exposure of content, it is necessary to study the platform recommendation mechanism.

Research user behavior

User behaviors on different platforms are not exactly the same. You need to carefully observe and study user behaviors from the user's point of view:

  • Do your best to improve your observation skills.
  • What is Observation?Observation is the ability to judge the similarities and differences between the two.

To study user behavior, you need to study:

  1. How can I get the user's attention?
  2. How can I reduce the bounce rate?

1. Attract user attention:(1) User pain points, (2) Attractive benefits

  • When writing copy, it is best to hit the user's pain points and needs, and to be related to the user to attract the user's attention.
  • Ask users questions to learn more about what is their biggest problem in this area?
  • According to user pain points and needs, sharing benefits is attractive.

2. Reduce Bounce Probability:Meet user needs, user experience is good.

  • As long as the user's pain points are not solved, the needs are not met, and the user experience is poor, it is easy to leave.
  • Therefore, you must solve user pain points, meet needs, improve user experience as much as possible, and reduce user bounce rate.

Perform task

To perform the task, there are 2 key points:

1. Do tasks according to platform rules

2. Send information based on user behavior

    1. Pinned posts have the most traffic (some forums can be purchased for a fee);
    2. If you can't pay for the purchase, the common method is to reply to the top post to prevent the post from sinking;
    3. According to the sinking speed of the post, reply to the top post regularly every day, for example: set an alarm reminder, and post it once every 3 hours (or you can use the top postsoftware).

Wide audience (majority)

Next, in the part of performing the task, Chen Weiliang will share with you, 15 days of free automatic addition of 4700 accurate friend skills.

The following is an online marketing case story shared by a netizen:Let 15 precise users add to my WeChat in 4700 days

More importantly, they all added me automatically, I didn't add anyone

I know what you want to know the most now is, how did I add so many people in such a short period of time, and these 4700 people are all young mothers, and the users are very, very accurate, which is very important!

The reason why I will operate this group is mainly because of my wife.

Because since she gave birth to a baby, she will often visit some mother and baby communities, and I will occasionally pay attention to it.

Then I found that one of the communities had a lot of traffic, and the user activity was also very high. It can be said that this is a high-quality "fish pond".

Associated user pain points

After a few days of ambush, I found that many young mothers have a lot of troubles about how to add complementary food to their babies. They don't know when to add complementary food and what to add?

This is the pain point of the user!

So, I took the time to find an electronic information on the production of complementary food on the Internet, and I really put a lot of thought into it, this information is very, very practical, not just random.

Because I know that every detail has to be attentive, as long as you are attentive, the other party will definitely feel it.

Now that we have the data, what should we do next?

By the way, it is to write an attractive copy.

The quality of the copy directly determines the conversion rate of users. To put it bluntly, how many people can actively add you?

For example, if you have the information, then you can post a post and say directly: I have a baby food supplement information here, if you need it, add me on WeChat: XXX.And then it's gone...

Do you find this kind of text appealing?

Of course, some people will join, but certainly not 200-300 people a day, right?

If you were a mother and saw something like this, would you want a profile like this? (lack of attraction)

Copywriting Analysis

Because this is a copy that attracts users, it is not very complicated, and I directly stimulate the desire when I come up.

First, let’s look at the first sentence of the text.

In the first paragraph, I will directly tell you a result, that is, after learning this supplementary food information, I have changed from a "kitchen disaster maker" to a "supplementary food queen"...

Does writing this sentence make the user think: if she gets this information, can she also become a master of complementary food, so she will not worry about how to make complementary food all day long?

The first sentence made these mothers have some expectations, and their hearts were a little itchy, didn't they?

Well, next, let's look at the red font part:

[Top Soft Copywriting] Baby food supplements like this: no sickness, no picky eaters, no allergies Part 2

Can you see what is the common feature of this part of the content?

In fact, this part of the content is "result-oriented", there is a professional term called "bullet".

Have you noticed that I only tell them some results here, and these results are exactly what they are very eager to know.

I didn't tell them, what should I do to get these results?

As for the specific tools, principles, and techniques, I won't tell you at all.

How do mothers react when they see such content?

Are you very curious, has your inner desire been further ignited?

Are you looking forward to getting this book even more?

So, at this time, if you ask them to add your WeChat to get information, can they not wait to add you?

Titles with high CTR

Posting in the community, and a very critical part, is the title.

The title is the advertisement in the advertisement, which directly determines the open rate of your post. If the user does not even have the desire to open it, let alone add your WeChat...

The title of my copy is-"Baby eat solid food like this: not sick. Not picky eaters. Not allergic"

I will briefly mention a few points that should be paid attention to when writing a title:

1. First, your title must give the benefit directly!

  • What does that mean?Look at my title
  • Baby food supplements like this:Not sick. Not picky eaters. Not allergic

What benefit does it give?

Just after seeing the title, mothers can think of:

If I follow the method he gave me to make complementary food for my baby, after the baby eats it, he will not be sick, picky eaters, or allergic, which is great!

2. On the second point, your title needs to be curious.

  • Going back to my title, where is the curious part?
  • It's the word "like this".
  • When users see this title, do they think: How does the baby eat solid food like this?I must click in to see it.

In this way, is the purpose of the title achieved?

Are moms eager to open the post and find out?

After entering, it was over, and I was directly seduced, so obediently added me on WeChat.

I feel bad too, does it feel like everything is planned?

From the title to the copywriting, to adding WeChat, the user is led by you step by step to your friends, which is very smooth.

At this point, the process of attracting users is basically completed.

Basically, WeChat changed after the copy was sent.

On the first day, more than 200 people added me, and in about 15 days, more than 4700 were added.

What I want to say is that what I am sharing is an idea, and everyone should extend it according to their actual situation and draw inferences from one case.

If you just copy mine like this, without any creativity at all, then you will basically say goodbye to micro-business...

The brain must be used, don't rust!

Small audience (minority)

However, the target users of the cases shared above are only suitable for the general public (most people) with a wide audience.

For e-commerce platforms with a small audience (a few people), assigning professional website optimization personnel to implement and optimize the website is the most effective way to add followers to WeChat marketing.

Before, Chen Weiliang's blog itself did not have the heart to optimize it for a while. In fact, in recent months, it has started from zero, but now it has been able to get a certain amount of traffic from search engines.

In fact, using a website as WeChatPublic account promotion, the effect is obviously much better than no optimization, and the effect is definitely better thanCommunity Marketing100 times better!

Some people say: "The effect of community marketing is 10 times that of no community marketing..."
Chen Weiliang said: "If you do website optimization with intention, the effect of online marketing is definitely 100 times better than that of community marketing"!

The goals of Chen Weiliang's blog in 2017:

  • 1. Do on-site optimization first, and then do off-site optimization.
  • 2. If the on-site optimization is almost done, you can concentrate on off-site optimization.

many industriesE-commerceThe biggest problem that websites face in common is that there is no website optimization, and there is no website optimization personnel assigned to perform website optimization.

The task of website optimization must be carried out by professionally trained personnel. Most people have not participated in the relevant training of the system and cannot do it at all.

Therefore, for the e-commerce platform, assigning professional website optimization personnel to implement and optimize the website is the most effective online marketing promotion strategy.

Niche crowd: lighting boss

The company of a classmate who joined the academy has lighting owners as its target group. They help to be lighting owners, promote products and create websites.

They have the ability to help others build platforms and websites, but the e-commerce platform websites they make have no traffic, and they don’t know how to optimize the website, so they can’t meet the needs of users at all. How can they help people promote products?

In fact, it's not very good to do so... there is a very good chance that something will go wrong.

Because, it's like:Using poisonous dead rat meat to make kebabs, selling rat meat kebabs to make money, and making ill-gotten gains against your conscience is equivalent to using poison to kill people...

The Book of Yanyan said: "Goodness is rewarded with good deeds, don't say anything and don't repay it, the time has not yet come."

  • Q: "Is there a better solution?"
  • Answer: "The solution, of course!"

The following is a promotion plan suitable for small groups of people:

Solutions for small groups of people

Since the website with the most traffic in the world is the search engine Google, and the website with the most traffic in China is Baidu, in fact, we go to other websites for promotion, and the traffic of other websites (including major new media platforms) also comes from the search engine itself, so Doing a good job in website optimization and getting directional traffic from search engines is the right direction.

For the website platform of the niche crowd, there are 2 options:Either recruit professional SEO personnel, or find an SEO company to help you optimize your website!

In addition to the above 2-to-1 option, there is also a 3rd option that is more cost-effective, and I will have the opportunity to share it later, provided that you are still paying attention ^_^

Summarize the New Traffic Theory

Finally, the three major steps of the new flow theory are summarized again:

1. Choose a platform

2. Research Platform

3. Perform tasks

The most important thing is to study the platform. As long as you can thoroughly study the platform rules and user behavior, the direction of executing the task will become very clear. Only in this way can you achieve multiplier effect with half the effort.

More new traffic theories and platform rules, I will continue to share when I have time. Welcome to the WeChat public account of Chen Weiliang's blog: cwlboke

Read other articles in the series:<< Previous: How to quickly attract fans and add friends in WeChat groups?Methodology of personal WeChat powder absorption (dry goods)
Next: How did Mimeng's public account become so successful and why is it so popular? There are reasons behind it >>

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